
Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going(8)课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:26次 大小:2174735Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Where are you going? Module10 第二课时 Let's chant where where where Where are you going to go? when when when When are you going to go? what what what What are you going to take? who who who Who’s going to go to the airport with you? Review the new words look and say nervous ticket passport airport safe pair work talk about your weekend's plan lead-in A: Where are you going to go this weekend? B: I’m going to… A: When are you going to go there? B: I’m going … A: What are you going to do there? B: I’m going to… A: Who’s going to go with you? B: …is going to go with me. watch and answer 1.Where is Daming going to go? 2.What is Daming going to take? 3.When is Daming going to go? 4.Who is Daming going to go with? He is going to go to New York. He is going to take clothes,presents shoes,the ticket,his passport... At seven o'clock tomorrow morning. He is going to go with his mum. Listen and number 听录音,排序 ( )Are you ready for your trip tomorrow? ( )What are you going to take? ( )When are you going to go to the airport? ( )Who’s going to go to the airport with you? ( )Where are you going ? ( )You can make a list of things to do. (2)Are you ready for your trip tomorrow? (6)What are you going to take? (4)When are you going to go to the airport? (5)Who’s going to go to the airport with you? (3)Where are you going ? (1)You can make a list of things to do. Listen and repeat 听音,跟读3遍 Role play 角色扮演,表演课文内容,评选出 表演得最好的2位同学进行奖励 同学们,暑假就要到了。Miss Gong有一个旅行计划喔,请阅读以下短文,完成判断对错的练习,对的写T,错的写F。 拓展阅读:Miss Gong 的长城之旅 The summer holiday is coming. I am going to Beijing. I am going to go with my parents. I am going to go by plane in July. I am goig to take my tickets, clothes, a toothbrush, towel, shoes and so on. I am going to visit the Great Wall, and I am going to go shopping. We will have a good time. 1.( ) Miss Gong is going to the Great Wall in June. 2.( ) Miss Yang is going to go shopping. 3.( ) Miss Yang isn’t going to Beijing by plane. 4.( ) Miss Yang is going to go with her friends. 5.( ) Miss Yang and her family are going to be happy in their trip. T T F F F 请同学们在横线上填上合适的单词,完成自己的暑假旅游计划。 My Trip of Summer Holiday The summer holiday is coming. I am going to go to_____. I am going to take_____. I am going to go by_____ I am going to go with _____ We will have a great time! 情感教育 上课不认真 考试不及格 平时认真训练 获得优秀成绩 平时认真学习 获得优秀成绩 成功属于有准备的人! Summary Homework: 1.Talk with your friends about your trip.。 2.Write down your trip. For example: I’m going to... I’m going to take… I’m going with… Thank you

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