

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:83次 大小:380559Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    江苏省南通市启东市2020-2021学年高一下学期英语期中学业质量监测试卷 一、阅读选择 (2021高一下·启东期中)阅读理解 START SOMETHING YOU WON'T WANT TO STOP The Cure Sandra Freeman www.authorhouse.co.uk Hardback | Paperback | E-book $35.90|$15.70|$4.90 Dany returns to France in an effort to heal (治愈) her heartbreak and discovers an exclusive (高级) hotel where love overtakes, consumes, and alters (改变) Dany to the depths of her soul. Finding Your (Lost) Joy Laurel Khiabani www. Hardback | Paperback | E-book $22.90|$14.90|$3.90 If you suffer sadness, grief, anxiety, or depression, this workbook will lift your state of mind; you can add your joyful things and make it yours. The Locket Lisa Arnold www. Hardback | Paperback | E-book $31.90 | $17.90 | $3.90 This historical novel follows the lives of two women as they raise their children, who share a father, and make their ways in a difficult world. Steerage And Amour! Edward L.Divita www. Hardback | Paperback | E-book $36. 90 |$20. 901$3. 90 This book narrates (讲述) the history of several generations of the Italian Divita family as related to the turbulent societal (动荡的社会) and political climate,especially in Italy and America during the early 1900s. Members of the READERS club will have discount of 10% for hardback books and 20% for paperback, and for each purchase (购买) of any of the two hardback books, the E-books are available for free through your kindle account. 1.Which book might be a good choice for a student who wants to cheer up A.The Cure. B.Finding Your (Lost) Joy. C.The Locket. D.Steerage And Amour! 2.How much is a hardback The Locket and a paperback The Cure for a club member A.$46.63. B.$53.80. C.$41.27. D.$47.60. 3.What can readers enjoy in both The Locket and Steerage and Amour A.Family stories. B.Love stories. C.Funny stories. D.Spirits-lifting stories. 【答案】1.B 2.C 3.A 【知识点】细节理解题;时文广告类 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,是四本图书的广告。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解题型的考查,是一篇介绍类阅读,考生需要准确捕捉细节信息,并结合题目要求,从而选出正确答案。 1.考查细节理解。根据Finding Your (Lost) Joy部分中的“If you suffer sadness, grief, anxiety, or depression, this workbook will lift your state of mind; you can add your joyful things and make it yours.”如果你感到悲伤、悲伤、焦虑或抑郁,这本练习册会提升你的精神状态;你可以添加你喜欢的东西,让它成为你的。可知,对于一个想要振作起来的学生来说,Finding Your (Lost) Joy可能是一个好的选择。故选B。 2.考查细节理解。根据第一则广告中的“The Cure, Sandra Freemanwww.authorhouse.co.uk Hardback | Paperback | E-book$35.90|$15.70|$4.90”;第三则广告The Locket部分中的“Lisa Arnoldwww.Hardback | Paperback | E-book$31.90 | $17.90 | $3.90”;以及“Members of the READERS club will have discount of 10% for hardback books and 20% for paperback”读者俱乐部会员精装本可享受10%的折扣,平装本可享受20%的折扣。可知,一本精装The Locket$31.9,折扣10%;一本平装The Cure |$15.70,享受20%的折扣。故选C。 3.考查细节理解。根据Th ... ...

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