
Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B 第6课时 Let's check课件(36张)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:84次 大小:59142403Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) PEP·六年级上册 Let’s sing Passing words subway ship taxi plane on foot train 1.教师将学生分为6组,以每一纵排为一组。 2.教师分别发给每组最后一排的学生一张写有单词 的小卡片。 3.教师宣布游戏开始,最后一排的学生立刻用耳语把纸上的单词告诉自己前面的倒数第二个学生,倒数第二个学生再把听到的单词告诉自己前面的倒数第三个学生,依次类推。 Game Rule 要求最前面的一个学生大声准确地说出单词! 传递单词准确且速度最快的小组获胜。 Come on! Go! What’s missing? 1._____ and _____ at a red light. 2.Pay attention to the _____ _____. 3._____ _____ and ____ at a yellow light. 4._____ at a green light. Stop wait traffic lights Slow down stop Go Observe, talk about the pictures and discuss the questions. Look at the pictures. Listen and number. How many pictures can you see? 2. What’s in the pictures? Four pictures. In Picture 1, there are Amy and John. They are walking. In Picture 2, … … Listen and number. 3 1 4 2 Wu?Yifan: ? Police?officer:? Wu?Yifan:? Police?officer:? Boy: Girl: Boy: Girl: 1 2 Check answers Excuse?me. How?can?I?get?to the?park? Take?the?No. 25?bus. Can?I?go?on foot? No. It's?too?far.?Go?by?bus. My?father?works?near?my?home.?It's great. My?father?works?in?the?city. How?does?he?go?to?work? Usually,?by?train. John: Amy: John: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: 3 4 Hey, Amy. School is over. How do you go home? I usually go on foot. And you? By bus? No. I go on foot, too. Don't cross the street now ! Why? There are no cars coming. It's a red light. Cars are very fast! It's dangerous. OK. Come or go? Where is Mike? Tick or cross. Go to the cinema. At the cinema. Not at the cinema. √ 去 Let’s wrap it up How does Mrs Zhao come to school? At school. Not at school. How can I go to the museum? At the museum. Not at the museum. Come to the park and play with us. In the park. Not in the park. √ √ √ 来 Come or go? come Come, come, come here. 来 go Go to school. Go to the playground. 去 go Go to the zoo. It’s so cold, because winter is coming. go I go to school on Monday. Traffic signs and traffic rules Say the traffic rules according to the pictures. Look and discuss 1.Where is Annie from? 2.Where they are? She is from the UK. At the airport. Where are they? Which side do the drivers drive in China? What about in the UK? Listen and find out the differences of the traffic rules. Listen and find out the main idea of the story. Amy: It’s so good to see you, Annie! Annie: You too, Amy. I missed you. 想念 Annie: Wow, Chinese food is so different from British food. Amy: Yes. Can you use chopsticks? Annie: No, I can’t. 不同于…… 筷子 Amy: Let’s take a bus home. We must cross the road. In the UK you drive on the left side. In China, people drive on the right side. Annie: I see. We must look right before crossing the road. Amy: No, first left and then right! 过马路 Amy: Look, the bus is over there! Annie: Wow, it’s a double-decker! The same as in London. 双层公共汽车 Annie: Where is the door? Amy, there is no ... ...

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