
英语人教版必修第一册 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading and thinking 教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:43次 大小:21416Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading & Thinking Background Information Teaching material version:PEP edition, unit3, book1. Duration:40mins (Lesson 3 of this unit) The teaching type: Reading & thinking Name: School: Analysis of the Ss: fresh students are active, curious and interested in new things. After learning English for several years, they have some basic English background knowledge. They?can?use?some?basic skills to read a passage. Teaching Content Topic: choose your favorite athlete--living legends Lang Ping & Michael Jordan Teaching Objectives At the end of this class, students will 1.Language Capacity:(1).Use new vocabulary to introduce other “living legends”. (2)Get basic information about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan. 2.Learning Ability:Predict the content of the text with the help of tittle, subtitles and pictures. 3.Cultural Awareness:Figure out the achievements and qualities of Lang Ping and Michael Jordan. 4.Thinking Quality: Think about what we can learn from athletes. Teaching Focus and Difficult Points Teaching Focus: Understand why they can be called sports legends. Understand sportsmanship Teaching Difficult Point: Understand the meaning of some languages of the test, such as “time seems to stand still”. Teaching Aids PPT Blackboard Teaching Methods KWL method PWP Teaching Procedures Teaching steps Activities Purpose Step1 warm-up (5mins) T Show pictures of Chinese and foreign athletes and invite Ss to choose and answer following one or two questions.(IW) 1. Who is your favorite athlete? Why? What do you already know about him or her? 2. What’s the standard of being your favorite athlete? 1. Activate students’ prior knowledge of famous athletes, and inspire their interest to discover more. 2. Attract Ss’ attention from extra-curricular activities. Step2 lead-in (2mins) T show two pictures and then ask Ss to answer the following two questions and fill in the blanks.(IW) 1. Do you know them? 2. What do you already know? Explain the tittle of the passage to Ss, especially the meaning of “living” Step3 pre-reading (4mins) Lead the students to look at the tittles and pictures, and then ask the following question: (PW) 1. What do you think the text is about? 2. Where can you find the passage? Cultivate Ss’ ability of predicting the content according to the tittle, subtitle and pictures. And sometimes from the source of the text. Step4 While-reading (17mins) I Lead Ss to do the exercises on page 39. (PW) Practice and develop ability to find information, infer information, and apply personal knowledge to categories statements about sporting legends II Finish the table on PPT(IW) Get the basic information about Lang Ping and Michael Jordan. III Ss work in a group to talk about the two language points.(GW) Teach the difficult language point. Step5 Post-reading (12mins) I Retell the story of Lang Ping and Michael Jordan, or other athletes using the word on PPT.(PW) Practice using new vocabulary by reviewing text and applyi ... ...

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