
冀教版英语八年级上Unit 5 My Future全单元分课时教案(6课时打包)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:10次 大小:684515Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 5 My Future Lesson 25 I Want to Be a Teacher! 1.知识目标 ⑴词汇:掌握词汇:might,?scientist,?grow,?engineer ⑵短语:give?a?talk,?would?/might ⑶句型:It’s?+adj.?+?to?do?sth 2. 能力目标 ⑴让学生了解如何向别人介绍自己 ⑵让学生了解如何询问对方的爱好 3.情感目标 (1)交流中能够尊重别人的观点并能表达自己的看法。 (2)培养学生了解自己不同的兴趣和爱好,有利于学生更好的发展。 1.掌握一些与表达理想有关的词组might, would like, hope。 2.激发学生兴趣,运用所学知识表达自己的理想和爱好。 掌握以下句型: 1)I want to be a scientist in the future. 2) What will I be in the future? 3) It’s not easy to be a scientist. Step 1Lead in: Discuss the following questions: How many names of careers can you name? What do you think of the jobs? (rich? Exciting ?or dangerous? ) Do you want to have one of the jobs? Let the students talk about the questions for a few minutes, then ask some to give the answers in front of the class. Step 2 OK, class. Today we’ll learn Lesson25(板书课题). In this lesson, we will learn Li Ming’s thought for the future. And some advice for him..听录音并检查学生理解情况。 You are good at __ ___people. I wouldn’t give them ___ ___ homework to do on the weekends 3.You might be a scientist when you ___ ___ You should have a good rest and take ___ ___. The answers: 1.talking to 2.too much 3.grow up 4.some medicine Step 3 reading ①OK. Now please open your books and let’s read the text and finish the following exercises. If you have any trouble, please ask for help from your group mates.(出示阅读题目) What does Wang Mei think of Li Ming? What does Li Ming hope to be? What would he do if so? Is it easy to be a scientist? What does Wang Mei hope to be in the future? Finish off Exercise 3 1Unit 5 My Future Lesson 26 What Will I Be? 1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:page,pilot,fear,height,model 2.了解如何介绍自己的理想。 3.了解如何写简单的说明文。 1.掌握一些与介绍理想有关的重点词汇:hope,want,would,someday 2.激发学生兴趣,让学生向他人介绍自己的理想。 掌握以下重点句子: ①What will I be when I grow up? ②I have a fear of heights,but that won’t stop me from being a pilot. ③I can take small steps to overcome my fear. ④People would feel safer and more comfortable in my plane. Step 1 Lead-in Lead in by discussing the following questions: What does Tiantian think of being a pilot? What is Tiantian’s problem? Will Tiantian be an engineer? Show some pictures of different careers.Let the students discuss the questions in groups.Then present their results in front of the class.The styles are different.They can be dialogues or reports. Step 2 Listening Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. 1.Tiantian thinks being a pilot is_____. 2.People travel to see their families,for_____or just for fun. 3.Tiantian can take small steps to_____her fear. Finish the task in class in oral. Step 3 Reading Read the passage and answer the following questions: 1.Why does Tiantian think of being a pilot? 2.Can Tiantian overcome her fear? 3 ... ...

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