
七下 Unit 7-Unit 12 期末重点短语复习学案

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:85次 大小:27444Byte 来源:二一课件通
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七下期末复习 unit 7-unit 12 重点短语复习 Unit 7重点短语 Section A 1.play computer games 玩电脑游戏 2.at/in the/a park 在公园 3.No problem 没问题 4.have a good time doing sth. 玩的开心 5.at friend’s home/house 6.not too bad 不算太坏 7.take a message for him 为他捎个口信 8.sounds like 听起来像是 9.tell sb.(not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)要做某事 10.call sb. back 给某人回电话 Section B 1.on (a) vacation 度假 2.study hard 努力学习 3.summer/winter vacation 暑/寒假 4.drink orange juice 和橙汁 5.write to sb.=write a letter to sb. =write letters to sb. 给某人写信 6.on rainy days 在雨天 7.speak to sb. 跟某人说话 8.ask sb.(not) to do sth. 要求某(不)做某事 9.right now=now =at the moment 此刻 right now=at once =in a minute马上 10.be on (a) vacation = take a vacation 在度假 11.visit my old friends 看望我的老朋友 12.in Canada 在加拿大 13.in Europe在欧洲 14.visit our school 参观我们学校 15.summer school 暑期班 16.learn a lot 学了很多 17.sit by the pool 坐在泳池旁边 18.see you soon/next month回头见/下个月见 19.play in the snow 在雪地里玩 20.skate on a river在河上滑冰 21.just right for walking正适合走路 22.take photos =take a photo照相,拍照 23.take a photo of sb./sth. 给某人/某物拍照 24.make a snowman=make snowmen 堆雪人 25.go skating /shopping /fishing /swimming /boating /hiking 去滑冰/购物/钓鱼/游泳/划船/远足 Unit 8 重点短语 1.be (ill)in hospital在住院(生病) 2.work in the hospital 在医院工作 3.next to 挨着 4.be new in town 初来乍到 in the city/in the village/in the countryside在城里/村庄/乡下 5.near here=around here=in the neighborhood =around the neighborhood 在附近 6.on Bridge Street在大桥街 on the street在街上 7.in the front of the classroom 在教室的前面(指教室里面) 8.in front of the classroom 在教室的前面(指教室外部的前面) 9. turn left at the second crossing/turning在第二个十字路口左转 10.across from在……的对面 11.go across Center Street =cross Center Street横穿中央go across the bridge=cross the bridge过桥 12.between ....and ...在……和……之间 13.down Center Street on the right在中央大街的右面 14.on his right/left 在他的右/左面 15.on the left of the park在公园的左面 16.turn right /turn to the right向右转 17.turn right on New Road在新路向右转 18.sit and talk坐下来聊天 19.go straight down Bridge Street沿着大桥街直走 20.walk/go along(down) North Street沿着北街走 21.police station 警察局22.post office邮局 23.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做…… 24.enjoy oneself =have a good time=have fun过得高兴,玩得愉快 25.be free=have time=have free time 有空 26.by air(plane) 坐飞机27.thanks so much多谢 28.No problem没问题29.play Chinese chess下中国象棋30.to get there 为了到那儿 31.Time goes quickly.时间如梭 32.spend the weekend like this像这样度过周末 33.get to the library easily很容易地到达图书馆 34.at around 6:00= at about 6:00在大约6点的时候 look around四处看看 35.pay phone付费电话 pay for sth. 买东西,为…而付款 pay 5 dollars for sth.付5美元买…… pay her 5 dollars for sth.付给她5美元买…… 36.spend time with grandparents 和祖父母一起消磨时光 人+spend an hour(in) d ... ...

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