
人教版八年级下册期末作文复习Unit 1-Unit 10

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:39次 大小:21798Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版八下期末作文复习U1-U10 Unit 1 话题:身体与健康 假如你是李华,你的朋友 Tom 最近经常感到疲劳。请你给他写一封邮件,给他一些保持健康的建议。 Dear Tom, I'm sorry to hear that you often feel tired. Health is important for us. Let me give you some advice. First, you should eat breakfast every morning. Eating breakfast can help you study well. Then, you should do more exercise after school. Doing exercise can keep you healthy. What's more, it's also important to sleep for at least eight hours every night. Good sleep can make you feel well and keep healthy. Try to have a healthy habit and then you can live better. I hope my advice can help you. Yours, Li Hua Unit 2 话题:志愿者活动 假如你是李华,你听说你校小学部课后托管中心正在招募志愿者。请你写一封自荐信,推荐自己并说明理由。 Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Li Hua. I am a student from Class Three,Grade Eight. I want to help out as a volunteer in the after-school care center. First , I am good with children and I enjoy being with them. Second, I am a book lover and I am good at telling stories. I can read for children in the center. Third, I do well in English. So I can help them with their English homework. It's a good chance for me to improve myself. I sincerely hope I can work as a volunteer here and do something helpful. I'm looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua Unit 3 话题:家务与劳动 为了庆祝“五一”劳动节,帮助学生树立正确的劳动价值观,你们学校英文网站正在开展以“劳动最光荣(Labor is the most glorious)”为主题的征文活动。请结合你生活中做家务的情况写一篇短文投稿,告诉大家做家务的好处,并呼吁大家参与家务劳动。 We often hear that labor is the most glorious. As middle school students, we should not only study hard, but also do some housework at home. In my daily life, I learn to do some housework and get into the habit of doing some easy things like tidying up my room, doing some dishes and washing my clothes. There's no doubt that doing housework is good for us students. It helps us to know the idea of fairness. We should share the housework with our parents. After all, they are really busy with their work. What's more, It sharing housework can make us become independent in our life and learn how to after ,ourselves. It is high time that we should learn some housework. Let's do it right now! Unit 4 话题:人际交往 假如你是李华,你的朋友Mary写信向你诉苦,她在新学校没有好朋友,且遭到同学的误解,心情很低落。请用英文给Mary回一封信,并给出你的建议。 Dear Mary, I'm sorry to hear that you have problems with classmates. Here is some advice for you. First, when you have difficulties, you should talk to your parents,your teachers or your friends and share your sadness with them. They will help you solve the problem.Second, when you get along with your friends,you should respect them. Third, you should be friendly to people around you.You can help each other. Last but not least, you have to be open and honest to your friends. Then you will make more friends. I hope everything will go well with you soon. Yours, Li Hua ... ...

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