
冀教版英语八年级上册Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together 重难点知识归纳总结

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冀教版英语八年级上册 Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together? 【重点单词】? 1.celebrate /?sel?bre?t/ v. 庆祝? 2.mid- /m?d/ prefix. 居中;在中间? 3.lunar /?lu?n?(r)/ adj. 月球的;农历的,阴历的? 4.round /ra?nd/ adj. 圆的 adv. 周而复始地? 5.celebration /?sel??bre??n/ n. 庆祝;庆贺? 6.however /ha??ev?(r)/ adv. 然而;不过? 7.thanksgiving /?θ??ks?ɡ?v??/ n. 感恩节? 8.wonder /?w?nd?(r)/ v. 好奇;想知道? 9.memory /?mem?ri/ n. 回忆;记忆;记忆力? 10.past /pɑ?st/ n. 过去;昔日;过去的事情 prep. 晚于;在……之后? 11.album /??lb?m/ n. (收藏照片、邮票等)簿,册;专辑;唱片集? 12.choose /t?u?z/ v.(chose/chosen)选择? 13.collection /k??lek?n/ n. 收集品? 14.slide /sla?d/ n. 幻灯片 v.(使)滑行;滑动? 15.record /?rek??d/ n. 记录;记载 / r??k??d/ v. 录像;记录;录音? 16.view /vju?/ n. 观点;想法? 17.lively /?la?vli/ adj. 充满活力的;生动有趣的? 18.birth /b??θ/ n. 出生;生育? 19.attend /??tend/ v. 参加;出席? 20.touch /t?t?/ n. 接触;联系 v. 触摸;接触? 21.size /sa?z/ n. 尺寸;大小? 22.fit /f?t/ v. (fitted/fitted或fit/fit)合适;合身? 23.anyway /?eniwe?/ adv. 无论如何? 24.style /sta?l/ n. 款式? 25.hug /h?ɡ/ n.&v. 拥抱? 26.turkey /?t??ki/ n. 火鸡? 27.meal /mi?l/ n.(一)餐;(一顿)饭食? 28.gathering /?ɡ???r??/ n. 聚会;集会? 29.dessert /d??z??t/ n. 甜点? 30.conversation /?k?nv?'se??(?)n/ n. 对话;交谈? 31.thirteenth /?θ???ti?nθ/ num.&adj.&adv. 第十三(的)? 32.tape /te?p/ n. 胶带? 33.post /p??st/ v. 邮寄? 34.yet /jet/ adv. 还;仍旧(用于否定句中)? 35.address /??dres/ n. 地址? 36.top /t?p/ n. 顶部;(物的)上面? 37.stamp /st?mp/ n. 邮票? 38.postman /?p??stm?n/ n. 邮递员;邮差? 39.fashion /?f??n/ n. 流行的式样;时尚? 40.balloon /b??lu?n/ n. 气球? 41.candle /?k?ndl/ n. 蜡烛? 42.deep /breθ/ adj. 深的? 43.breath /breθ/ n. (呼吸的)空气;吸气? 44.blow /bl??/ v. (blew/blow)吹? 【重点短语】? 1.get together 团聚? 2.don’t forget to do sth 别忘记要做某事? 3.too...to... 太……(以至于)不能……? 4.add...to... 把……加入……? 5.face to face 面对面地? 6.stay in touch with 保持联系? 7.try on 试穿? 8.feel at home 在家中般轻松自在;感觉自在? 9.as usual 像往常一样? 10.have no luck 未能如愿;不走运? 11.in fashion 时尚;流行? 12.fit...well 非常合身? 13.the same size as... 和……是一样的号码;和……一样大小? 14.on the top of 在……上面? 15.turn off 关掉? 16.make a wish 许愿? 17.take a deep breath 深呼吸? 18.blow out 吹熄;吹灭? 【重点句型】? 1.It’s never too late to start an album of family photos. 开始做家庭相册永远都不晚。? 2.People always enjoy looking at old pictures. 人们总是喜欢看老照片。? 3.Cameras are useful for recording videos of the family. 相机对于记录家庭影像来说很有用。? 4.When family members get together, they talk and laugh. 当家庭成员聚在一起时,他们又说又笑。? 5.You can even talk to your family members face to face over the Internet. 你甚至可以通过互联网与你的家人面对面交谈。? 6.Never forget to stay in touch with your family. 永远不要忘记和你的家人保持联系。? 7.But with all your help I feel at home now. 但在你们的帮助下,我现在感觉像在家里一样。? 8.They are ... ...

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