

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:45次 大小:2370425Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 编者小注: 本专辑专为2022年上海新高考英语二轮总复习及1月春考准备。 说说编写思路: 版块一:冲刺讲义10讲,注重方法性学习,对 于知识的拆解全面到位,选题主要根据上海官方公布的近五年级春秋考真题试题为主,近两年一二模测试及今年最新期中试题为辅。 版块二:专练8讲,注重常考题型,高频考点的训练,数十篇选材均选于近两年上海高三四校、八金刚及十三名校之真题21·cn·jy·com 版块三:模拟满分卷4套,供大家在完成以上讲练后进行整体测试,满分140分。 希望助上海的莘莘学子在求学路上一臂之力。 专练6:概要写作特训30篇(学生版) 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、概要写作 1.(2021·上海市实验学校高三月考 )Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. There's more of a connection between food and culture than you may think. On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of our cultures. Many associate foods from our childhood with warm feelings and fond memories, tying us to our families.On a large scale, food operates as an expression of cultural identity, Traditional cuisine (烹饪法) is passed down from one generation to the next. Immigrants bring the food of their countries where they go, and cooking traditional food is a symbol of pride for their ethnicity (民族特色) as well as a means of coping with homesickness. Many immigrants open t heir own restaurants and serve traditional dishes. However, the food does not remain exactly the same. Some ingredients needed to make traditional dishes may not be readily available, so the taste and flavour can be different from what they would prepare in their home countries. Additionally, immigrants who sell dishes have to alter the original dishes to satisfy a wider range of customers. Alterations to original dishes can create new flavors that still preserve the cultural significance of the dish. What stays the same is the extent to which each country or community's unique cuisine reflects its unique history, lifestyle, values, and beliefs. For example, in China, harmony is a vital characteristic in almost every aspect of life. This is reflected in Chinese cuisine, where almost every flavour is used in a balanced way. Throughout history, Chinese people are of the belief that food not only needs to be nutritious but also needs to look appealing, so they put a lot of effort into decorating the dishes,with vibrant red as their traditional colour. As the world bec omes more globalized, it is easier to access cuisines from different cultures. We should not only accept our traditions through our culture's food but also become more informed about other cultures by trying their foods. It is important to remember that each dish has a special place in the culture to which it belongs, and is special to those who prepare it. Food is a window to culture, and it should be treated as such. 2.(2021·上海杨浦·高三期中)Dire ctions: Read the following three passages. Summarize the ma ... ...

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