
1.2 Grammar and Usage & Integrated skills-2021-2022学年高二英语课后培优练(牛津译林版2020选修第二册)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:59次 大小:75709Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    姓名: 班级 Unit 1 The mass media 1.2 Grammar and usage & Integrated skills 一、基础巩固 I.单词拼写 1.New goals are not always _____(一致的)with the existing policies. 2.After the operation you may find it difficult to _____(咀嚼)and swallow. 3.The two office buildings are _____ (有点) alike in appearance. 4.It’s not just a little _____ (诀窍) that you can pick up in half an hour. 5._____(理想的)study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner. 6.They firmly believe that color is _____ (基本的) in home design. 7.Literature can be divided into two main _____(类别):fiction and non fiction. 8.Organic meat and _____ (奶制品的) products usually cost more than other products. 9.Although Xiaoshenyang is famous all over the country,he is still quite _____(谦虚的). 10.They welcomed this move but said that _____ (总体上) the changes didn’t go far enough. II.单句语法填空 1. There is a need to check the _____ ( accurate) of these figures. 2. Our new offices are still under _____ (construct). 3. One of the important reasons may be that it is these very people who cannot afford to obtain _____ (profession) help. [China Daiy] 4. New theatres and arts centres sprang _____ all over the country. 5. Her assistant was accused _____ theft by the police. 6. Police have appealed for _____ (witness) to the accident to come forward. 7. Their marriage _____ (found) on love and mutual respect. 8. Silk _____ (become)one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC. 9. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody _____ (break) into the office during the night. 10. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he _____ (have) it for a very long time. III.短语填空 下面的短文是课文片段改写,请从下表中选择合适的词汇并用其适当的形式完成此文。 Your health is 1. _____with your eating habits. 2._____,you are what you eat. 3. _____ the fact that people are still arguing over whether or not fatty food is dangerous,you should know that sugar is a killer of people’s health. So try to avoid sweet drinks,because they contain large 4. _____ of sugar. To keep healthy,you should also consume different 5. _____of fresh foods,especially fruit and vegetables. Another good eating habit is 6. _____ slowly,which can help your body to digest your food better. Last but not least, 7._____ eating habits,for example,taking three meals a day at the same time each day,are better for our health. Keep in mind:There is no 8. _____ to healthy eating and it is you that make the right decisions about your diet. IV.完成句子,根据提示补全句子。 1.从年轻人到老年人,我们将会遇到很多的人。(quantity;vary) We will meet with_____,_____ the old to the young. 2.有人说古典音乐只和老年人相关。(in association with) Some people say that classical music is _____. 3.一旦制定,计划就必须实施,无论有什么困难。(regardless of) Once made out,the plan must be carried out _____ 4.尽管我愿意帮忙,但是我没有太多时间。(while) _____, I don’t ... ...

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