
人教版(2019)必修二Unit 5 Music Section B基础+综合双向训练(Word版含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:41次 大小:53248Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit5-Music Section B基础+综合双向训练 【基础】 选择合适短语并用其恰当形式填空 come up with,graduate from,be different from,become popular with, put...together,lead to,fall in love with,for the first time 1.I saw your advert on penpals China and      your picture. 2.Though they      the university ten years ago,all the classmates try to keep up with one another. 3.The workers took the temple apart brick by brick,and    it back    again. 4.This      some painful experiences on Saturday as they played against teams better trained. 5.Several of the members have      suggestions of their own at the meeting. 6.He looked at me without speaking,and      I could see the pride that filled him. 7.The style of how the art is produced      when I was younger. 8.Some Chinese theme parks      the tourists throughout the world. 单句语法填空 1.Listening to music at home is one thing,going to hear it being      (perform) live is quite another. 2.The warmth of the flames also helped people stay warm in cold weather,      (enable) us to live in cooler areas. 3.Mozart’s      (compose) are undoubtedly amongst the world’s greatest. 4.Many      (award) will be given to the winners in the coming music ceremony. 5.Do take advantage of this opportunity      (deepen) your understanding of Chinese culture. 6.Some people are touching a computer for the first time when they try to log       the Internet. 7.     (original),we had intended to go to Italy,but then we won the trip to Greece. 8.Since he arrived in Beijing,he has adjusted to eating the northern food       (gradual). 完成句子 1.我喜欢和对音乐有兴趣的人交朋友。 I like to make friends with people who                music. 2.她想象着自己走进办公室,递上申请书。 She                the office and handing in her application. 3.他制作了一些视频,然后把它们上传到了网上。 He made some videos and uploaded them                . 4.自去年以来,有数百万人浏览了他的博客文章。 Since last year,               have viewed his blog posts. 5.被他的音乐所感动,那个女孩忍不住流下了眼泪。                   ,the girl couldn’t help her tears. 【综合】 七选五 When early colonial settlers went to America,they took many forms of dance to their new home.Square dancing,one of the oldest forms of American folk dancing,developed from several different Old World group dances,mainly English country dances,and the French quadrille(四对方舞). In the American version,a square is formed by four couples. 1  Each couple stands on one side of the square,the boy on the left and the girl on the right.An American addition to square dancing is the caller. The caller--someone who calls out the dance steps in time to the music--was a completely American invention. 2  Later the dances became so complicated that it was necessary to have someone call out cues(暗示).Thus,dancers didn’t have to remember so m ... ...

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