
人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural HeritageReading and Thinking课件(2个ppt)

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:34次 大小:30863967Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 1. There comes a time when the old must give way to new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. There comes a time when … 这个句子中包含了由when引导的限制性定语从句,修饰的是先行词a time。 eg This is a time when people can get a lot of information from the Internet. (翻译) 这是一个可以从互联网上获得大量信息的时代。 give way to: to stop resisting sb./sth.; to agree to do sth. that you do not want to do 让步;屈服 eg The company finally gave way to the customer’s complaints. (翻译) 面对顾客的投诉,公司最终还是让步了。 【拓展】 give相关短语 give up 放弃 give away 分发,捐赠;泄露 give back 还给,恢复(健康等) give in 交上,让步 give in to 屈服于;向……让步 give off 发出(光、热、气味等) give out 用完;耗尽;发出 【语境应用】用give短语完成句子。 1) When they saw that they were surrounded by the enemy, they _____. 2) That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and _____ a lot of money to the people there. 3) The bad apples _____ a bad smell. 4) The argument went on for hours because neither side would _____. 5) Tom's legs _____ and he couldn't go any farther. gave up gave away are giving off give in gave out 2. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge. balance n. it is a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance. 平衡; 均匀 eg She was balancing a plate of food on her knees. I lost my balance and fell on my face. (翻译) 她把一盘食物稳稳地放在膝上。 我失去平衡,脸着地摔倒了。 vt. to be in or get into a steady position, without falling to one side or the other, or to put something into this position使平衡 lose one’s balance 失去平衡 keep one’s balance 保持平衡 recover/regain one’s balance 恢复平衡 keep a balance between A and B 在A和B之间保持平衡 She cycled too fast round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. 2) Do you believe it Mike said he could balance a pencil on the end of his nose. 【语境运用】翻译句子。 她拐弯时骑车太快,失去平衡摔倒了。 你相信吗?Mike说他可以在他的鼻尖上立着铅笔使之保持平衡。 3. Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. lead to: to result in (something) 导致; 造成(后果); 通向 to是介词,后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语 【拓展】 lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事 lead sb. to sp. 带领某人去某地 lead the way 引路, 带路 lead/live/have a...life 过着……样的生活 【语境应用】翻译句子。 1) 吃太多的糖会引起健康问题。 Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 2) 这条路通向公园。 The road leads to the park. 3) 她带领我们到了楼上的房间。 She led us to a room upstairs. 4. But the proposal led to protests. proposal n. a plan or suggestion which is made formally to an official person or group, or the act of making it 提议;建议 make a proposal 提出建议 eg The committee made / put forward a proposal to reduce the time limit. I welcome the proposal to reduce taxes for the po ... ...

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