
Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips Period 1 Reading I (课件+导学案+教学设计)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:100次 大小:27483839Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips Reading I 牛津深圳版(广州·沈阳通用) 八年级下 Lead in Do you like cartoons Do you know these cartoon characters Who are they Which one is your favourite Warm-up Mr. Black 黑猫警长 Pleasant goat 喜洋洋 Mickey 米奇老鼠 Superman 超人 SpongeBob 海绵宝宝 Tom and Jerry 猫和老鼠 Luffy 路飞 Doraemon 哆啦A梦 Conan 柯南 Pre-reading A What do you know about … Artists use many symbols in comic strips to show special meanings. Match the symbols below with their meanings. Write the correct letter in each box. Get Ready 1. This is a “speech bubble” for the words that the character says. 2. If a character’s eyes pop out like this, it means he/she is very surprised. 3. The light bulb symbol means that the character has an idea. 4. This is a “thought bubble” for the words that the character is thinking of. c b a d Before you read a Make a rough sketch of the story. b Have a good idea for a story. c Use a computer program to put the pictures together. d Think about the characters. e Add colour to the drawings. f Record the voices and sound effects. 3 1 5 4 2 6 Get Ready There are six stages of making a cartoon. Do you know the correct order Read the first sentence of each paragraph in the article on page 51 and write the numbers 1-6 in the boxes. Vocabulary n. 警告 cartoon warning n. 卡通片 Almost every child loves watching cartoons. This doctor issued a warning against eating any fast food. Vocabulary program n. 程序 record v. 录制;录影 My new tablet comes loaded with many different programs. They record themselves dancing on the stage. Vocabulary She appeared surprised when she got the news. An actor has to be able to show different expressions. appear v. 显得;似乎 actor n. 演员 Vocabulary match n. 比赛 adv. 单独地;分开地 separately These kids are playing a football match. This man stands separately from others. Vocabulary symbol n. 象征;符号 The chemical symbol for water is H2O. thoughts n. 想法 He has many thoughts about his future. Vocabulary stage n. 舞台 That stage is not big enough for my show. pleasant adj. 友好的;和善的 This gift is a pleasant surprise for the little girl. Vocabulary basic adj. 基础的 The brand’s bags came in both basic and limited editions. decide on 决定;选定 She didn’t know which answer to decide on. Vocabulary pop out 张大;瞪起;弹出 The cork popped out of the champagne bottle. comic book 漫画;连环画 The comic book is very popular. While-reading Jason is learning how to make cartoons. He has found some information in a magazine. Text Text Read the introduction and answer the questions. Jason is learning how to make cartoons. He has found some information in a magazine. 1. What is Jason learning about He is learning how to make cartoons. 2. Where did he find this information In a magazine. Comprehension First, you need to decide on some basic ideas for a story. This story is about a robot, Han. He always forgets things. O ... ...

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