
青少版新概念1B 英语期末测试卷 (学生版+教师版+答题卡+素材)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:73次 大小:3847253Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Final Term Unit 16-30 Class:_____ Name:_____ Score Part 1 Listening 30% Ⅰ. Listen to these and underline the key words.听录音,用下划线标出关键10%。 1. A:You look a bit tired. B: I feel a bit tired. 2. A:Do you want a new skirt for school B: I don’t want a new skirt for school, but I need one. 3.A:Do you like fish B: I love fish. 4.A;Does Clair need a new mobile B:She doesn’t need a new mobile, but she wants one. 5.A:Hasn’t Lyn got a camera B:Lyn hasn’t got a camera, but she needs one. Ⅱ. Look at the picture and listen, then choose right words. 看图片,听录音,选择正确的词。10% 1. What’s the weather like -- _____ A. It’s sunny B. It’s cloudy C. It’s rainy D. It’s windy 2. Has Paul got the right clothes for the weather _____ A. Yes, he does B. Yes, he has C. No, he hasn’t D. No, he doesn’t 3. How does Paul feel -- He feels_____. A. bad B. good C. all right D. sorry 4. What kind of weather does Paul like --He likes_____. A. sunny B. cloudy C. rainy D. windy 5. Has Paul got a favourite season _____ A. Yes, he does B. Yes, he has C. No, he hasn’t D. No, he doesn’t Ⅲ. Listen and choose the different sound you hear. 选出字母发音不同的选项10% ( ) 1. A patient B hat C teacher ( ) 2. A girl B language C great ( ) 3. A photo B peach C help ( ) 4. A soup B famous C dangerous ( ) 5. A monkey B money C key Part 2 Writing 70% Ⅳ. Put the letters into the right order. 将单词的正确字母顺序写下来10%。 1. tdyoa _____ 2.waeerth _____ 3.nria _____ 4. qteui_____ 5. marw_____ 6. dntsiet _____ 7. yrea _____ 8. ikeb_____ 9. fitccra_____ 10.odrlw_____ Ⅴ. Choose the right answer.选择填空 10% ( )1. --_____is the coat? --It’s my coat. A. Whose B. What C. Who D. Which ( )2. --Is this your coat --_____ A. Yes, it is my coat. B. Yes, it isn’t my coat C. Yes, it isn’t. D. No, there isn’t ( )3. --Who is she --She’s _____. A. a English photographer B. an English photographer C. a photography English D. a English ( )4.. –___ there ____ man ____ the door. --Yes, there is. A. Is; a; at B. Are; a; in C. Is; a; on D. Are; an; at ( )5. Look at____, is ____ a teacher A. him; he B. he; him C. him; him D. he; he ( )6. –____is the case --_____, the big one or the small one -- the big one. --It’s in the case. A. What; Which one. B. Where; Which one C. Where; what one. D. Which; Where one ( )7. ____ there a fork and a knife on the table A. Is B. are C. is D. Are ( )8. There ____ any water in the glass. A. aren’t B. isn’t C. is D. are ( )9. What color _____ your ____ A. are dog B. is dogs C. are dogs D. isn’t dog ( )10. --____ those students or teachers --_____ A. Are; Yes, they are. B. Is; No, they are not C. Are; They are students. D. Is; They are teachers. Ⅵ. Scramble the words into the right sentence. 连词成句 10% 1. men how there in of shop the many are front _____ 2. are beside they cups the _____. 3. we late school both for are _____. 4. drawings me new show honey your _____. 5. those Robert’s are socks _____ Ⅶ. Exchange the sentence pattern. 句型转化( ... ...

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