
青少版新概念1B英语 期中测试卷 (学生版+教师版+答题卡+素材)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:97次 大小:5668900Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Mid-term Unit 16-Unit 23 Class:_____ Name:_____ Score:__ Part 1 Listening 30% Ⅰ. Listen to these and underline the key words. 听录音,用下划线标出关键10%。 1 A: Are there any peaches in that bowl B: There’s one. Do you want it 2 A: Have we got any tea in the house B: There’s some black tea, but there isn’t much. We’ve got lots of green tea. Is that all right 3 A:Is there any coffee in that pot B: Yes, there’s some, but it’s a bit cold. 4 A:Is there a photo of Vikki there B: Yes, there’s one, but it isn’t very good. 5 A: I can’t find any Maths books on this shelf. B: No, there aren’t any there. There are some on the shelf in the living room. Ⅱ. Listen and choose right words. 看图片,听录音,选择正确的词。 10% 1. Nina is a ____A____woman. A beautiful B handsome C clever D pretty 2. She is ___B____ and thin. A short B tall C little D small 3. Her outfits are___C_____. A cheap B funny C expensive D smart 4. Nina’s kitchen is ___C_____. A ok B lovely C nice D fine 5. The fridge is ____D_____. A dry B full C open D empty Ⅲ. Listen and choose the different sound you hear. 选出字母发音不同的选项。 10% ( B ) 1. A. spoon B. honey C. monkey ( A ) 2. A. silver B. referee C. front ( C ) 3. A. coffee B. bottle C. one ( B ) 4. A. pass B. wash C. glass ( C ) 5. A. drive B. tennis C. Ride Part 2 Writing 70% Ⅳ. Put the letters into the right order. 将单词的正确字母顺序写下来。 10% 1. kcoo cook 2. krof fork 3. rwae wear 4.icer rice 5. selim smile 6. ysea year 7. ytr try 8. chtaw watch 9. iphs ship 10. lasad salad Ⅴ. Choose the right answer. 选择填空 10% ( B )1. There _____ some _____ in the classroom. A. are; child B. are; children C. is; children D. is child ( A )2. Can you see _____ A. any women B. some woman C. any woman D. some women ( C )3. --Are you good ___ English -- No, I am useless ___ it. A. at; on B. on; on C. at; at D. in; on ( A )4. --Lucy ___ ride a bike. --But she _____ speak Chinese. A. can; can’t B. can; can C. cans; cans’t D. can’t; can’t ( D )5. Pass me __ cup, then pass me ___ milk. A. a; a B. some; a C. some; some D. a; some ( A )6. _____ there _____ tea in the jar A. Is; any B. Are; any C. Is; a D. Is; some ( B )7. I can see _____ peaches. A. a lots of B. a lot of C. lot of D. any ( C )8. There isn’t ____ bread in front of the tin. A. lot of B. lots of C. any D. some ( D )9. ____ is your lesson -- It’s at one o’clock. A. Where’s B. When’s C. What D. What time ( A )10. --____ you ___ any coffee --Yes, I have. A. Have; got B. Do; have C. Are; you D. Have; get Ⅵ.Scramble the words into the right sentence. 连词成句10%。 1. is, food, there, some, table, on,the There is some food on the table. 2. me, rice, give, some, please Give me some rice, please. 3. London, just, great, isn’t Isn’t London just great 4. Can, balance, on, ball, the, well, as,I I can balance on the ball as well. 5. Music, book, can’t , I , find, my I can’t find my music book. Ⅶ. Exchange the sentence pattern. 句型转化(选词填空)。 10% 1. You can op ... ...

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