
牛津深圳版九年级上册Unit 6 Healthy dietListeningandSpeaking课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:69次 大小:8360060Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 九年级上册—牛津沪教版—英语—第六单元 Healthy diet Unit 6 Listening and Speaking Learning objectives 1 2 3 Predict the content before listening. 学会听前预测。 Catch key words and numbers, and take notes quickly while listening. 听中捕捉关键信息和数字,学会速记。 Express preferences and make an order in English. 学会用英语下订单并表达偏好。 For lunch, Samuel had six chicken wings and a large cup of cola. What did Samuel have for lunch Leading-in Samuel ordered a hamburger, a piece of chocolate cake and a cup of cola for dinner. What did Samuel order for dinner Doris thinks that Samuel had too much fast food. He should have a balanced and healthy diet! Doris wants to take Samuel to listen to a lecture about fast food. Let’s help Doris and Samuel win the tickets for the lecture! Round An order form customer’s name &address quantity(数量) price each names of food total price Mary is calling the Corner Cafe to order lunch. Listen to Mary’s conversation with the waiter and help the waiter complete the order form. number Pre-listening Tip 1: Predict the content calculate the price ¥number ¥number time time name number Pay attention to “I’ll have/ I’d like…” calculate the price 1 1 1 ¥17 ¥9 ¥15 While-listening Tip 2: Take notes 1 1 ¥71 1 11:30 12:30 Mary Tucker Brittas 1512 Devon ¥3 ¥7 ¥20 Pay attention to the pronunciation of time and number! at 10:15/11:30/11:45 in 1994/2008 on 20th, June, 2021 Listening Tip : Pay attention to the expressions of time. Round How to make orders Waiter: What can I get for you What would you like to order /eat /have Would you like anything to drink Customer: I’ll have a… I’ll try… I’d like some… Waiter: Hello. We have chicken noodles, beef noodles, and egg noodles. Susan: beef noodles. What about you, David David: have a bowl of chicken noodles. Waiter: David: How about a coffee, Susan Susan: I’d prefer tea. David: OK. Two cups of tea please. Expressing preferences Listen and fill in the blanks. What would you like to eat I’d prefer I’d rather Would you like anything to drink Expressing preferences I’d prefer… /I’d rather… I like /love /enjoy… I’m fond of… Round Yesterday Samuel went to a fast food restaurant to order some food. Please help the waitress write down what food he ordered. Tip: Take notes quickly (缩写、符号、简笔画、中文等) Take notes quickly (缩写、符号、简笔画、中文等) 2 hamburgers 1 double cheese burger 2 pineapple pies 3 large French fries 3 large cola The food Samuel ordered 2 s 1 db 芝 burg 2 pinea pies 3 大 3 大 Congratulations! You help Doris and Samuel win the tickets! An expert will give a lecture about fast food. Let’s listen and learn together! 信息获取 1. How many calories does a fast food meal have 2. How can people make the water tastier 3. Which suggestion did the expert not give (Drink tea with sugar. /Avoid high fat sauces. /Order a salad instead of chips.) 4. What kind of meal did the expert ... ...

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