
Unit4 Cartoon and comic strips 基础知识复习(含答案)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:27525Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit4 Cartoon and comic strips 基础知识复习 词组默写 1.把…加入… 2.决定,选定 3.考虑 4. 连环画 5.为...画草图 6.显得,看起来 7.与…不同 8.把…放在一起 9.为某人配音 10.与图片相配 11.准备好做… 12.使…陷入麻烦中 13. 嘲笑某人 14. 获得很多奖项 15. (眼睛)长大 16. 救生衣 17. 谢天谢地 18. 获得成功 19. 同…比赛 20. 天气预报 单词填空 1. A prince turns into a frog in this c_____fairytale. 2. If I had noticed the w_____ signs, none of this would have happened. 3. White has always been a s_____of purity in Western cultures. 4. The p_____ can model a typical home page for you. 5. You should r_____ all your expenses during your trip. 6. Drums are b_____ to African music. 7. We spent a p_____day in the country. 8. She a_____ to be in her late thirties. 9. The issues should be treated s_____. 10. A few minutes later the s_____ broke 语篇填词 Maybe Snoopy is the coolest dog in the world; maybe Snoopy is one of the greatest kids on two legs. He is a p_____dog everyone loves. He speaks more than 20 languages and a_____daily in 26,000 newspapers around the world. This c_____has won a lot of awards. Snoopy is the pet of Charlie Brown, whose name Snoopy could never remember. For Snoopy, his master is just "that round-headed kid" who brings him his meals. Snoopy never speaks, but he can make himself understood by using facial expressions and t_____balloons. In Snoopy's little head, he is everything but a dog. Since 1960s, Snoopy has been standing on two legs i_____ of four and doing independent thinking. 四、完成句子 1. 这次科技节的主题将能在什么时候选定? When will the theme of the Art Festival _____ _____ _____ 2. 从这里到白云山顶大约要花一个小时。 It _____ about an hour _____ _____ to the top of the Baiyun Mountain from here. 3. 我们房子的窗户一星期擦一次。 The windows of our house _____ _____ once a week. 4. 和联赛冠军队对战对我们来说很难。 _____ _____ the league champions _____ difficult for us. 5. 你会成功的,如果你努力的话。 You will _____ _____ if you try. 6. 我好像看过这个连环画。 It seems that I have read that _____ _____. 7. 按天气预报,现在该下雪才是。 It should be snowing now, according to _____ _____. 8. 救生衣未能充气。 The _____ _____failed to inflate. 9. 谢天谢地你总算回来了! _____ _____! You are back at last. 10. 他眼睛惊讶得快突出来了。 His eyes almost _____ _____ in surprise. 11. 我可以把你的名字写进名单吗? Shall I _____your name _____the list 12. 他整理好行装准备出发。 He packed up and _____ _____ _____go. 13. 他们似乎不知道正在发生的事。 They _____ _____ _____ _____what was happening. 14. 他急躁的个性老是让他惹上麻烦。 His quick temper was always _____ _____ _____ _____. 15. 这部卡通篇是如此的优秀以致于获得很多奖项。 The cartoon was _____ good that it _____ _____ _____. 五、语法 1. The gift for his birthday _____ (must /buy) today because tomorrow is his birthday. 2. A lot of trees _____ (plant) by them since 1990. 3. The flowers _____ (should / water) every day. 4. Children_____(can / take) to the cinema by their parents on Children's Day. 5. ... ...

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