
Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?>Section B 1a-2c

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:34次 大小:13535256Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件33张PPT。 Why don’t you get her a scarf?UNIT 8Period 3Let's have a test!堂堂清应用: 指出下列句子中的it属于下列用法中的哪一种 A. 指代前面提到过东西 B. 指代人 C. 表示时间,天气,距离 D. 做形式主语或宾语. You can’t eat your cake and have it. 2) Oh, it’s you , glad to meet you ! 3) It was late autumn. 4) How much does it cost to send a letter by air. 5) It’s a pity that she didn’t come to my party. 6) Is it your sister, Jenny? 7) I found it difficult to go to sleep. 8) It’s getting dark. ABCDDBDCturtlenew wordsgoldfish parrotsnakemouse--mice spider hamster检查复习dogpigspiderparrotrabbitcathamsterturtleI have two long ears. I am small. I am soft. I am cute. People think I eat carrots, but I really eat plants(植物). Who am I? _____ I am a small. I live in a hole. I am gray. I have a long tail. I eat seeds(种子). Who am I? _____ rabbitmouseGuessing !1a Which of these animals would be good pets? Which would be bad pets? turtle goldfish cat dog parrot mouse snake spider hamstergood pet not sure bad petdog1b GROUPWORKA: What’s the most popular pet? B:I think dog is the most popular pet. A: What’s the most unusual pet?Report: in my group, Jack thinks the most popular pet is dog, and the most unusual pet is snake, because….1252a Listening342b Listeninghamstershort hairnicefriendlysnaketoo scaryinterestinggoldfishtoo boringeasy to take care ofdoghair is too longbeautifulcatnot friendly enoughnice Girl 1: So, what kind of pet do you want to get? Girl 2: How about a goldfish? Fish are easy to take care of. Girl 3: They are too boring! How about a snake? Snakes are interesting. Tapescript Girl 2: Eeew! Snakes are too scary! Let’s get a nice pet like a cat. Girl 1: A cat? I don’t like cats. Cats aren’t friendly enough. Girl 2: Well then, how about a dog? Dogs make great pets. Girl 1: That’s true. Hey, how about that dog? Isn’t he beautiful? Girl 3: Yes, but his hair is too long. I don’t want to clean up dog hair every day. Girl 1: Oh, all right. Well, that hamster over there looks nice. He seems friendly, and he has short hair.Girl 2: Yeah, he’s perfect! Girl 3: Let’s get him.What kind of pets is good for a 3-year-old child?Goldfish is good for a 3-year-old child. They are easy to take care of.What kind of pets is good for a 60-year-old people?Dogs are good for them. Because they can keep them company.What kind of pets is good for a 6-year-old girls?Parrots are good for them. They are interesting.2c PAIRWORK What do you think is the best pet for these people? Then talk about your own choices.A: I think a dog is a good pet for a 6-year-old child. B: Really? I don’t agree. Dogs are too difficult to take care of. A: How about a goldfish?Report: In my group , Lucy thinks that goldfish is a good pet for a 6-year-old child,because she thinks it’s easy to take care of; Jack thinks that ……….Key points: 1.Dogs are too difficult to take care of.狗不容易照料好。 too…to… “太……而不能……” 其句子结构为: “too +adj./ adv.(形容词/副词) + to + v. ... ...

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