
七年级上册冀教版英语Unit 6 Let's Go! Lesson 33 Let's Go to the Zoo!表格式教案

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:44次 大小:13168Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit6 Lesson 33 优质课教案 Ⅰ. Teaching aims (1) Aims of the knowledge Learn the new words and expressions in this lesson (2) Aims of the abilities Learn how to talk about the favourite animal with Present Continuous Tense (3) Aims of the emotion. Foster Ss’ love of the animals and protect the animal. Ⅱ. Teaching key points. (1) some key phrases and sentences. (2) Present continuous tense. Ⅲ. Teaching Method Listening speaking reading and Task-Based Language Teaching. Ⅳ. Teaching tools Tape ,big screen, chalks. 教学内容 Step1:Warming up and lead in Greet sudents as usual. Then let students listen to a zong. And ak students what is the title of this song. Step 2 : Presentation Listen to this song again,then try to find what animals are there in the song.then show animals in this song. This lesson we will learn some of these animals. Read the lesson and try to tell me :what are the animals doing T: What is it Ss : It is a … T:what is the …doing Ss:It is …. Step 3 : Please talk: Does animals have feelings Step 4 : Ask and answer Look at the pictures on the screen, then answer the teacher’s following questions. And ask them,what is it what is the lion doing How does the lion feel And teach them to love and protect the animals. Step 5: Grammar . Ask the students to sum up the rules of change of the verbs. Then show the rules on the screen, ask them to make note. Then tell them what mistakes they usually make in doing the exercises of the Present Progressive tense. Step 6 : Exercise Do the exercises in groups. Step 7 : Activity Ask one of the students to come to the blackboard. Then ask the student to do some action. Then ask other students : A: What is he doing B : He is … A: Is he… B: Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. A: What are they doing B They are… A: Are they… B: Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. After one student finish, ask another one or ones to do the next action. Step 8 : Homework 1.complete “Let’s do it” No.2 and 3 . 2.Writing 假如你今天去动物园参观,写一下这里的动物们正在干什么,写四五句。 Ⅶ. blackboard design Lesson 33 let’s go to the zoo Words phrases Lion go to the zoo Dream make noises noise of course lonely miss forest course 课后反思:

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