
人教版七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Section B (2a-Self Check)教案

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:66次 大小:27552Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Period 4 (Section B 2a-Self Check) 设计说明 本节课是前三节课内容的升华。首先,通过调查报告活动复习巩固重点单词、短语以及基本句型;其次,通过情景教学导入新课,同时突破词汇关,为下面的阅读教学做好铺垫,让学生学以致用,在写作环节上达到语言的综合运用。 教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1)掌握单词:same,love,with,sport,them,only,like,easy,after,class,classmate。 (2)掌握句型: I don’t have a soccer ball,but my brother Alan does. We play it at school with our friends. I love sports,but I don’t play them—I only watch them on TV! It’s easy for me. After class,I play ping-pong with my classmates. 2. 能力目标: 能正确掌握含有实义动词的一般现在时的肯定句、否定句的结构,能读懂相关材料并复述其内容,能简单介绍自己和同伴所拥有的体育用品和擅长的体育活动。 3. 情感目标: 教育学生要热爱学习、热爱活动,丰富自己的业余生活。 重点难点 1. 重点: 掌握含有实义动词have的一般现在时的肯定句和否定句,学习使用连词but。 2. 难点: 提高学生的阅读能力,通过写作提高语言运用能力。 教学准备 教师准备:关于体育运动喜好的调查表、课件。 学生准备:复习前三节课的内容,预习本节课的短文阅读。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Review the sentences the students learned in the last lesson by showing different sports things. Ask the students to make short conversations like this: A:What’s this B:It’s a... A:Do you have a... B:Yes,I do. /No,I don’t. A:(I have one. )Let’s play... B:That sounds... 2. Find the sports things that they have and they don’t have. Fill in the correct column in 2a. Then give a simple report. Like this: I have a ...I don’t have a... 3. Practice the new words. Translate the words. 体育运动sport      相同的same 爱;喜爱love 和……在一起with 他/她/它们(they的宾格)them 只;仅only 喜欢;喜爱like 容易的easy 在……之后after 班级;课class 同班同学classmate Step 2 Reading 1. Here are the survey results in a school magazine. Please read the passage quickly and find out who has a soccer ball. (2 minutes) Students skim the passage quickly and find out the answer. Answer:Alan and Gina. 2. Ask the students to read the passage more carefully and find out who says the sentences in 2c. Check(√) F for Frank,G for Gina or W for Wang Wei in the brackets. Then check the answers. Answers:1. W 2. G 3. F 4. G 5. W 6. F 3. Ask the students to find the useful expressions: 去同一所学校(上学)go to the same school 热爱足球/体育活动love soccer/sports 和我们的朋友/我的同学一起with our friends/my classmates 在电视上观看它们watch them on TV 课后after class 我不做运动。I don’t play them. 它对我来说很简单。It’s easy for me. 4. Work in groups. (1)same形容词,意为“相同的”,在句中常与定冠词the连用,其反义词为different,意为“不同的;不一样的”。 (2)with介词,此处意为“和……在一起”,其后通常接表示人的名词或代词。with还可用来表示:①“使用某种工具”,意为“使用”;②人或物所具有的特征,意为“带有,具有”。 Let’s play soccer with Tom. 让我们和汤姆一起踢足球吧。 He writes with a pen. 他用钢笔写字。 She is a nice girl with big eyes. 她是一个长着大眼睛的漂亮女孩。 (3)them是 ... ...

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