
Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 仿真模拟测试题课件(共44张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:44次 大小:187035Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 仿真模拟测试题 (时间:90分钟 满分:120分) 一、听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) (见《听力训练本》) 二、语法选择(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分) Lucy and Lily are twin sisters. They look the same, but they are quite different in many ways. They are _____31____ tall and good-looking. Lucy has longer hair than Lily. Lily is _____32____, so she has more friends. She always speaks _____33____ so you can hear her voice from far away. Lucy is shy. She always talks softly. So Lily asked her sister _____34____ part in an art show last month. Lucy planned to sing a song. When it was Lucy’s turn, she was very nervous. She didn’t sing _____35____ at first. Then Lily went to Lucy and sang together with her. They sang so well that _____36____ cheered for them. At last, they won the 3rd prize. Though they weren’t the best at the show, Lucy still felt very happy. She _____37____ that everything was possible if you could begin the first step and work _____38____ at it. You could finally make it. From then on, Lucy changed a lot. She always talked with others and helped them with their schoolwork. The twin sisters become _____39____ than before. All the teachers and students like them. They also get _____40____ grades, too. How proud their parents are! ( )31. A. both B. neither C. either D. all ( )32. A. less outgoing B. more outgoing C. much outgoing D. most outgoing ( )33. A. louder B. most loudly C. loudly D. more loudly ( )34. A. take B. takes C. to take D. taking ( )35. A. well B. better C. best D. the best A B C C A ( )36. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody ( )37. A. understand B. understood C. understands D. is understanding ( )38. A. hard B. harder C. hardly D. hardest ( )39. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular ( )40. A. good and good B. best and best C. better and better D. the best and the best C B A B C 三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) My good friend Laura is my cousin. She is five years _____41____ than me. I am fourteen years old, so she is 19 now. She lives in Bristol. She is very friendly and easy to _____42____ with. She has long brown hair and greeny-brown eyes. She is 1.7 meters tall and I am only 1.6 meters tall. She is _____43____ than me. She wants to be a _____44____ when she is older. When she was six years old, she began to learn dancing. She wants to be a super dancer, but it’s _____45____. She often dances at shows and I have watched her shows many times. I _____46____ watching her dancing. We talk about everything together and we always _____47____ our happiness and sadness with each other. My favorite saying is “A true friend _____48____ for your hand and touches your heart.” Laura is a friend like this. Laura is very busy _____49____ she also studies photography (摄影) at a university in her free time. She’s a really good photographer and she has taken lots of wonderful pho ... ...

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