
专题17 任务型阅读(考点2:回答问题)-2022年中考英语真题分类·汇编(原卷+解析卷)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:18次 大小:4704256Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2022年中考英语真题分类汇编 专题17 任务型阅读(考点2:回答问题) (2022·辽宁盘锦·中考真题) 根据短文内容,回答短文后所提出的问题。 Mike and Dave lived in a small village far from the city. One Sunday morning, they walked in the forest and found a big, deep hole. Mike looked at it and said, “Wow! That looks deep.” “It sure does,” said Dave. “Let’s drop some stones into the hole. We can count until we hear the stones hit the bottom.” They threw some stones and waited. There was no sound. Mike said, “Wow! That is really deep. Let’s throw some big rocks down there. Those should make a noise.” So they picked up a few soccer-sized rocks and threw them into the hole. Again, they heard nothing. They looked at each other in surprise. Mike found a big log (木头). He got an idea. “Help me carry that log,” he said. Finally, they carried the heavy log together and dropped it into the hole. Still, no sound. Suddenly, out of the forest, a sheep showed up, running like the wind. It rushed towards the two boys, and then right past them. All of a sudden, it jumped into the air and down the hole. Mike and Dave looked at each other. “What just happened ” asked Dave. Before Mike could answer, a farmer came out of the forest, too. “Hey, did you see my sheep just now ” Mike said, “Yes, we did. It’s the craziest thing that I’ve ever seen. It came running like crazy and jumped into that hole!” “Nah,” said the farmer. “That can’t be my sheep. My sheep was chained (被链条拴住) to a big log.” Hearing this, Mike and Dave felt guilty (内疚的). And then... 1.Where did Mike and Dave find the deep hole _____ 2.Did Dave help Mike carry the log together _____ 3.How many times did they throw things into the hole _____ 4.Who was the owner of the sheep _____ 5.What do you think Mike and Dave might do next _____ (2022·辽宁营口·中考真题) 阅读短文,回答问题。 It was a hot summer day. Clara was drinking juice in the yard. Her mom was cutting grass with a lawnmower(割草机). The lawnmower was loud, and Clara wished her mom would play with her instead. But Mom said the grass was tall and had to be cut. Suddenly, the lawnmower stopped. Clara’s mom looked sad. Clara wondered what was wrong. Her mom picked something up out of the grass, and walked to Clara. Clara’s mom had a little turtle in her hand! As Clara looked closer, she saw that one of his legs was in bad shape. “I think I broke his leg.” Clara’s mom said. “I’m really sorry. Will you help me nurse(照料) him back to health “ Clara felt bad for the little turtle. A turtle moved slowly, so he probably could not run away when he saw the lawnmower coming. And Clara’s mom could not see him in the tall grass! It was a mistake, but Clara and her mom would do something to make it right. Clara named the turtle Phillip. They took Phillip to the vet(兽医). The vet took an X-ray of Phillip’s leg, and made sure that it was broken. The turtle got a little splint(夹板)an ... ...

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