
Unit 2 What time do you go to school? (Section A)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:100次 大小:1952587Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school (第一课时 new words) Teaching and learning Goals: Lead the students to learn the words of Unit 2. Ask them to grasp some important new words and try to use them. In order to finish off this task, the students must learn in groups and find out best ways to remember the new words. They can listen, read and use about these new words. Then they can make a story with the new words and try to memorize this story. Teaching and learning steps (全班分成4个大组,12个小组,根据情况,4-6人一组) Step 1. Learn to read the words on page 121 1. Open your books to Page 121, read the new words by yourselves according to the sounds. Note the difficult words. (学生先根据音标自己试读单词,将难读的或无法读出的单词标注出来。这样让学生先自己试一试,以便他们发现自己的弱点) 2. Read the new words in your groups. Read the new words in personal, the others correct the pronunciation. Then show your pronunciation to other groups. (每一组挑选一个中等生朗读单词,其他同学纠正发音。然后每一组中的第3号学生展示自己的读音,每组读10个单词,由其他组纠正发音) 3. Listen to the tape and read after it for three times. (先听后跟读再自己读,最后找个别学生读) Step 2 Learn to remember words on page 121-122 Remember the words by looking at pictures. T: Today we are going to talk about our daily life, from morning to evening. (板书get up , go to school, get dressed, brush teeth, eat breakfast, take a shower) Look at the pictures and try to memorize the new words. get up get dressed brush teeth take a shower 2. Check the new words. Use the rolling words to remember new words.(利用单词滚动条,让学生看到单词汉语出现就立刻说出单词的英文。这个环节要学习的单词有usually, never,early,funny, best, quickly, either..or.. sometimes 因为这些单词的词性多位副词,形容词,这样放在一起学习有利于学生理解这些词性的单词如何使用。) 【操作方法】为检测学生单词掌握情况,利用滚动条复现单词,单击鼠标,单词滚动,学生喊出“stop”,滚动停止,根据汉语意思,说出单词,就可以得到分数,看谁得的分数高者获胜。 Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning. work on foot exercise you move more quickly do (one’s) homework Sth .is free from dirty things run finish the work at home that the teacher left for you clean you move your body energetically walk you do the things for money (要求学生记忆你所画出的一部分单词,然后让学生根据其意思连线,以此给学生提供根据英语释义记忆单词的能力) Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms. forty—fifty--twenty—thirty station--television--question past—last life—wife—knife 四. Remember the words by conversion(转换) 、complex words (合成)and derivative(派生) weekend=week + end group—fruit half—hat quarter—quar + ter sometimes= some + times Step 3 Consolidation of words 1. Check the new words in your groups. (由组长负责检查小组其他成员的听写情况,将不会默写的单词记录下来,然后集中给老师,由老师再领读和指导记忆方法。大家用手指在课桌上仿写这些单词) Check the new words by looking at the Chinese meanings. ( ... ...

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