
牛津上海版 七年级下册 Unit 3 A visit to Garden City. (Stage 2) 教案

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:29次 大小:725852Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 3 A visit to Garden City (Stage 2) Reading: Relatives and their jobs 设计说明 先让学生小组讨论他们所知道的职业,进一步熟悉各种职业。接下来,做游戏,给出各种图片,让学生快速说出图片中人物的职业。借此考验学生对有关职业词汇的记忆力及他们的反应能力。另外,罗列从事的具体工作,让学生猜对应的职业,由此让学生明确不同职业的具体工作,为后面的活动做好语言和知识准备。给出部分人物信息,让学生结合范例操练句型。另外,可将该活动进一步延伸,让学生在语篇中填写对应信息,提高语言运用能力。讲解反意疑问句,对该语法点进行必要的补充。在以上活动的基础上,学生已经具备了一些知识储备。接下来安排“职业调研”的活动,可以变语言知识为语言交际的工具,让学生活学活用。本节课依托教材,侧重语言输出,提高了英语课堂的教学效果。 教学目标 通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标: 1. 知识目标 掌握反意疑问句。 2. 能力目标 能够熟练说出某人的职业。 3. 情感目标 积极参与小组活动,提高参与合作探究的主动性。 重点难点 重点:掌握反意疑问句。 难点:能够熟练说出某人的职业。 教学准备 PPT课件 授课时数 1课时 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Talk in groups. Say the jobs they know and write them down. 2. Ask some groups to share their answers. Step 2 A game 1. Show the following pictures and ask them to say the jobs as quickly as possible. 2. The one with most correct answers wins. Answers: doctor, nurse, teacher, driver, engineer, cook Step 3 Guess 1. Ask the students to work in groups. Show them the following expressions. (1) This person drives a public bus. (2) He cooks food for a restaurant. (3) A woman who acts in a film. (4) He grows vegetables in fields. (5) This person rescues people from burning buildings. (6) She teaches students in a school. (7) She types letters and answers the phone. (8) This person flies a plane. (9) He works in a police station. (10) He takes people’s orders in a restaurant. 2. Ask them to guess what job the person does. 3. Let some groups share their answers. Answers: (1)driver (2) cook (3) actress (4) farmer (5) fireman (6) teacher (7) secretary (8) pilot (9) policeman (10) waiter Step 4 Look and say 1. Talk about the person with the students. Aunt Betty doctor 10 yearsT: What’s Aunt Betty’s job S1: She is a doctor. T: What does a doctor do S1: A doctor saves sick people. T: How long has she been a doctor S1: She has been a doctor for 10 years. 2. Show more people’s information and ask them to talk in pairs. T: These are my new neighbours. They are a family. 3. Ask them to think and write a short passage about the family. These are my new neighbours. They have a wonderful family. The old man is Ray. He is an . He designs machines. Ray’s been an engineer for 40 years. His wife’s name is Nancy. They have been happily married for quite a few years. Nancy is a _____. She _____. Ray and Nancy have two children. Their son Peter is _____. He _____. Their daughter Susan is _____. She _____. She has worked in the company for 12 years. She likes her job. Their jobs are interesting, right Answers: engineer; teacher; teaches at school; a co ... ...

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