
Unit 2 Going to see a film (Stage 2) 教案

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:43次 大小:2261076Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 2 Going to see a film (Stage 2) Reading:Choosing a film 设计说明 首先,通过图片展示几个同学正在讨论电影的情景,并结合上节课所学知识让学生在轻松的氛围中巩固重点句式的用法,由此导入新课学习。针对本课中难理解的词汇给出图片帮助学生理解记忆,扫除学习障碍。通过展示电影指南的图片,引导学生自主学习电影指南中的主要信息,了解相关电影的具体内容,在轻松有趣的氛围中习得英文表达。接下来,让学生仿照示例组织对话,进行小组会话练习,让学生通过会话练习以及在全班同学面前进行展示,敢于表达,乐于表现,积极参与。同时增强学生的自信心。最后,结合当堂达标的练习,检测学生对本课节知识的掌握情况,提升语言运用能力。 教学目标 通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标: 1. 知识目标 掌握本课节新词汇:duration, full of, laughter, cowboy 巩固So... I/Neither do I. 句式的用法。 2. 能力目标 能用英语讨论对电影的喜好。 3. 情感目标 培养学生留心观察周围事物的习惯。 重点难点 重点:运用疑问句提问具体信息;掌握情态动词can的用法。 难点:让学生克服开口讲英语方面的畏惧心理,敢于表达。 教学准备 PPT课件;相关活动录音 授课时数 1课时 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Task Look at the pictures and complete the conversations with So … I. or Neither … I. in their proper forms. 1. Get the students to fill in the blanks according to what the persons say in the dialogues. 2. Check the answers together. Step 2 Presentation Show the students the following pictures and learn the new words. Where does a clown usually work circus laughter duration cowboy Step 3 Match 1. Match the pictures of the films with their names. 2. Check the answers together. Answers: Step 4 Read Task:In groups, read the film guide on the following pages. Choose a film which all your group members would like to see. 1. Show the students the following pictures and let them think about which one to choose. 2. Give the students the structure of a dialogue and let them ask and answer in groups. S1:Which film would you like to see S2:I’d like to see _____. It’s a/an _____ film. / It’s a film about _____. S3:I like _____ films. /I like films about _____. S4:So do I. S3:I don’t like _____ films. /I don’t like films about _____. S4:Neither do I. S1:Shall we see _____ S2:OK. Let’s see _____. 3. Ask some groups to show their work in front of the class. Step 5 Language points 1. Full of laughter and fun. 充满笑声和欢乐。 (be) full of意为“充满;挤满”。 (be) full of= be filled with He is a man full of energy. 他是一个充满能量的人。 The bottle is full of milk. =The bottle is filled with milk. 瓶子里装满牛奶。 2. Don’t miss this cartoon. 不要错过这部卡通片。 miss在本句中作动词,是“错过”的意思。 Hurry up, or you will miss the early bus. 快点儿,不然你将错过早班车。 【拓展】miss还有“想念,思念”的意思。 I miss my family every night. 每天晚上我都思念我的家人。 Step 6 Homework Complete the exercises in Workbook 7B on page 11. 当堂达标 Ⅰ. 选择最恰当的答案 1. —I’d love to go hiking with you, but I have much homework _____. —If you don’t go, _____. A) to do; so do I B) to do; neither will I C) doi ... ...

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