
Unit 8 A more enjoyable school life (Stage 3) 教案

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:54次 大小:269781Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 2 Better future Unit 8 A more enjoyable school life (Stage 3) Listening and speaking: Ideas about the future of our school 设计说明 本节课的重点是让学生谈论建议是否可行,因此,导入时可以先从学生熟悉的学校建议入手,让学生自由交谈这些建议可能不可能。讲解生词,本课生词主要集中在含有前缀的反义词上,因此学习时,建议结合已经学的单词在具体语境中进行讲解,这样便于学生掌握。比如先引出已学的possible再引出impossible。课本部分重点让学生听录音跟读并熟悉It would be possible/impossible/difficult/nice... to have...的句式。接下来让学生小组活动,通过讨论关于学校的变化,让他们巩固和操练重要的句式,促进小组合作。接下来,讲解本课中的重要知识点,并让学生做一部分练习巩固所学知识。本节课能够充分调动学生的学习积极性,能够增进合作探究,对学生的综合发展起到良好的推动作用。 教学目标 通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标: 1. 知识目标 掌握本课节新词汇:impossible, necessary, unnecessary 掌握句式:What do you think of… It would be possible/impossible to have… I’d like to… 2. 能力目标 能够听懂有关未来学校的观点,并能对这些观点进行简单的判断。 3. 情感目标 善于沟通,勇于表达。 重点难点 重点:掌握本课节新词汇:impossible, necessary, unnecessary。 掌握句式:What do you think of… It would be possible/impossible to have… I’d like to… 难点:能够听懂有关未来学校的观点,并能对这些观点进行简单的判断。 教学准备 PPT课件;有关Look, listen and say的音频;有关生词的图片 授课时数 1课时 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up Free talk. T: I’ve got many changes that some students would like to see in our school. What do you think of the suggestions Are they possible or impossible 1. I’d like to have a swimming pool. Possible Impossible 2. I’d like to have less homework. Possible Impossible 3. I’d like to have a bigger library. Possible Impossible 4. I’d like to do more experiments. Possible Impossible 5. I’d like to have more school trips. Possible Impossible 6. I’d like to organize more sports activities. Possible Impossible … Let the students talk freely. They can have their own answers. Step 2 Presentation 1. Present some new words: impossible, necessary, unnecessary. It is possible to go there by taxi. But it is impossible to take a bus—There is no bus. impossible adj. 不可能存在(或做到)的;不可能的 -im(否定前缀) +possible (adj. 可能的)→impossible adj. The bike is too old. I think it’s necessary to buy a new one. necessary adj. 必需的;必要的 -un(否定前缀) + necessary (adj. 必需的)→unnecessary adj. 不需要的;不必要的;多余的 2. Let the students read the words for a few minutes. impossible adj. 不可能存在(或做到)的;不可能的 necessary adj. 必需的;必要的 unnecessary adj. 不需要的;不必要的;多余的 Step 3 Look, listen and say 1. Play the recording. The students listen and repeat. A: What do you think of the suggestions B: It would be possible to have more books in our library. C: It would be impossible to have a swimming pool in our school. D: It would be difficult to have less homework. E: It would be nice to have more computer lessons in our school. 2. Ask the question. Selec ... ...

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