

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:25084Byte 来源:二一课件通
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译林英语七年级上册动词适当形式总复习 【答题技巧】 解题时,同学们先要结合所给的单词,领悟句子整体,弄清楚句子含义,然后根据句子的意思判断出应该填写的单词及其正确形式,要注意所填写的单词的词性、是否与句子前后搭配一致、语法是否正确等。名词要注意单复数形式,形容词要注意比较级或者最高级形式,动词要注意时态和语态,等等。 七上Unit 1 1、Simon _____(be)a new student at Sunshine Middle School. He hopes to make progress every day. 2、--Andy, this is Kitty. --Glad_____ (meet) you. 3、I’m Millie and I love _____(read) and singing. 4、My hair is very short, and I wear _____(glass). 5、Now let’s _____(meet) our new teacher. 6、This is Daniel. He is good at _____(solve) Maths problems. 7、Our school is big. The classrooms_____(be) big too. 8、I spend about an hour _____(dance) every day. I love it. 9、This is Sandy. She is _____(tall) and_____ (slim) than before. 10、Daniel comes from Nanjing, but he _____(live) in our family. 11、My name is Sarah. I am _____(two) child in our family. 12、It’s a great way _____(make) new friends at school. Keys: is 2. to 3. reading 4. glasses 5. to meet 6. solving 7. are 8. dancing 9. taller slimmer 10. lives /is living 11. the second 12. to make 七上Unit 2 1、I read a lot of interesting _____(book). _____(read) is fun. 2、Li Hua is one of my favorite soccer _____(play). 3、--_____John _____(live) in a house on a noisy street --No, he doesn’t. He lives on a quiet street. 4、I enjoy being a _____(swim). I go _____(swim) every week. 5、I hope your dream _____(come) back. 6、Eddie _____(walk) to school every day. 7、How much pocket money _____students usually_____(get) every months 8、My mum_____(make) it a rule _____(go)shopping at weekends. 9、The sports stars are my_____(hero). 10、The family have to move but Peter doesn’t want _____(leave) his friends. 11、We often talk about _____(play) basketball and watch basketball _____(match) on TV. 12、--What else would you like _____(do) beside cycling --I listen to music. It makes me _____(feel) great. Keys: 1、books reading 2、players 3、Does live 4、swimmer swimming 5、come/will come 6、walks 7、do get 8、makes to go 9、heroes 10、to leave 11、playing matches 12、to do feel 七上 Unit 3 1、Let me _____(show) you around. This way, please. 2、It’s the school hall. We have our _____(meet) there. 3、The _____(read) room is open in the afternoon. We can read all_____(kind) of books there. 4、That new _____(build) looks very modern. It is among the most beautiful _____(library)in our country. 5、The _____(parent) meeting begins at two o’clock in the afternoon. 6、Would you mind leaving us alone for a few _____(minute) 7、Which of the three subjects do you like_____(well) 8、It takes Lily about half an hour _____(walk) to school from the library. 9、All the students can _____(borrow) books from the library. 10、--Mum, look at the picture of my _____(friend) on the wall. --Oh, how nice they look. 11、_____(Millie) classroom is on the ground floor. 12、Is Grandma at home now I want to s ... ...

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