
Module 5 Unit1 Don't cross that rope! 导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:66次 大小:93184Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope. 【学习目标】 1. 掌握本单元upstairs, exhibition, rule, tall, rope, entry, missing, downstairs, punish等单词。 2. 学习重点:掌握本单元against the rules, in trouble, No entry, no good, no wonder, 等短语。 3.学习难点:指导并了解在博物馆参观时应遵守的规则。 【预习导学】 自学本课新单词及短语并大声朗读背诵。 entry ___ No entry. photo____ No photos familiar____ be familiar to sb. attention ____ pay attention to upstairs / downstairs _____ It’s upstairs/ downstairs. / go upstairs/ downstairs guard____ a guard sign_____ Look at the sign. rule _____It is against the rules. wonder____ no wonder either____ You can’t take a photo, either. 找出重点短语、句子。 我也是_____ 来看猴子展览_____ 禁止进入_____ 期盼_____ 禁止喧哗。_____ 这是违反规定的_____ 等一下。_____ 怎么了?_____ 难怪这里是空的_____不要担心_____ 不要跨过绳子_____去楼下失物招领处_____ 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.No photos! It’s _____ _____ _____(违反规定). 2.We should help the people_____ _____(处于困境). 3.It says,“_____ _____(不许入内)”. 4._____ _____(难怪)he hasn’t arrived. The bus is late. 5.There are many rules_____ _____ _____(在博物馆里) 【课堂导学】 1. missing adj. 找不到的; 失踪的 My mobile phone! It’s missing! 我的手机! 它丢了! Look! She is looking for her lost key. 看! 她正在寻找丢失的钥匙。 Her grandpa is gone, so her grandma lives alone. 她的爷爷去世了, 所以她奶奶独自生活。 【自主归纳】missing/lost/gone的区别 单 词 用 法 句子成分 missing 表示“失踪了, 不见了”, 强调某人或物不在原处 可作定语、表语或宾语补足语 lost 表示“丢失”, 含有“难以找回”的意思 可作定语、表语或宾语补足语 gone 表示“丢了, 没了”, 含一去不复返之意, 也可表示“死了” 作表语或宾语补足语, 不可以作定语 Exercise: 选词填空gone/lost/missing ①For more information of the _____girl, please visit our website. ②His pen was _____, but he found it just now. ③The singer’s headache is _____, so she feels comfortable now. 2. against the rule违反规定 *It’s against the rules. 它违反规定。 *His brother is very lazy and he is against playing sports. 他弟弟非常懒并反对做运动。 (1)be against sb. /sth. 意为“反对某人或某事”; be against the rule意为“违反规定”。 (2)在短语be against中against是介词, 其后如果接动词, 要用动词的 _____(原形/ing形式), 即be against doing sth. 意为“放弃/反对做某事”。反义短语为be for doing sth. 意为“支持做某事”。 Exercise: I’m _____building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in. A. against   B. on    C. in   D. for 3、No wonder the place is empty! 难怪这个地方人是空的! no wonder意为“难怪; 不足为奇”, 后面直接接从句, 相当于it’s no wonder that句型。例如: It’s no wonder that they won’t come. 难怪他们没有来。 Exercise: 难怪他超重, 他吃得太多了! _____ _____he is overweight, he eats too much! 4.What a wonderful museum! 多么奇妙的博物馆呀 What 感叹句: What+(a/an)+形+名词(+主语+谓语) What a clever girl she is! How 感叹句: How+形/副(+主语+谓语) How clever the girl is _____a hot day it is! _____ hot the d ... ...

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