
2022-2023学年牛津译林版英语九年级上册Unit 5 Art world Integrated skills 课件(共32张PPT+5音频)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:88次 大小:22072683Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Integrated skills Unit 5 Art world Free talk What kind of music do you like best Do you like pop music How many kinds of music do you know Do you like Tan's music How does music make you feel music folk rock country music jazz classical music … rap pop A music show Let's go to different concerts! Listen and complete the poster. 5 10:20 a.m. 1 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 9 p.m. Enjoy different kinds of music Country music cowboys use guitars Louis Armstrong 路易斯·阿姆斯特朗 (1901-1971) This is Louis Armstrong. He’s an African _____. His music has a _____ _____ in Jazz. He is good at making up the music _____ playing. American lasting while Africa Jazz value The singers are playing _____ music. The instruments they are using are guitars and _____. The music is so _____ that the fans are _____. rock drums exciting excited crazy ... Rock folk in the traditional style strong local colour lasting adj. 持久的 value n. 价值 Classical music serious has a lasting value Listen and match A: Which kind of music do you like best B: I like country music. A: What is special about it B: It is about country life and cowboys. It uses guitars. Post-listening Complete the diary entry school hall 9 a.m. local country music guitars 1 p.m. playing playground drums Sunshine Theatre serious value 1) What’s Sandy’s feeling about rock 2) What music does Sandy like Why Too noisy. Classical music, such as “Swan Lake”. Because she thinks the classical pieces are serious and have a lasting value. Listen and answer Sandy is inviting Janice to go to a concert tonight. Speak up Listen and answer What kind of concert is it It is a classical music concert. Listen again and answer more questions. When does it start At 7 p.m. Where is it held At Sunshine Theatre. Where will they meet At the gate of the theatre. When will they meet At 6:50 p.m. Read aloud Pair work: Invite your partner to a concert Will you support your child if he/she shows an interest in music Why Interviewer I’ve heard of that there is a music show in your school. Can you introduce something about it What did your school have a music show for What do you think of the concert Thank you very much. Interviewee(被采访者) I’d like to tell you something about…(choose a concert and say something about this kind of music) make our school life… make me feel… play a very… role in our education (教育) learn more about… develop one’s hobbies build confidence(自信) What can you learn from the concert … … Please read Sandy's story and answer more questions. 1.Why did Sandy once not like art lessons 2. What was Sandy doing as usual at Ms Luo’s art lesson one day 3. What did Sandy do after she dropped some paint onto the paper 4. What did Ms Luo encourage Sandy to do 1. Why did Sandy once not like art lessons Because she could not draw very well. 2. What was Sandy doing as usual at Ms Luo’s art lesson one day She was playing with some paint. 3. What did Sandy ... ...

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