
人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Words and expressions 课件(33张ppt)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:59次 大小:6749605Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Words and Expressions illegal adj. 不合法的,非法的 It’s illegal to drive through a red light. 开车闯红灯是违章行为。 legal adj. 合法的,与法律有关的 He vowed to take legal action. 他发誓要诉诸法律行动。 She started out on her legal career in 1987. 她于1987年开始从事法律工作。 hunt v. & n. 打猎,搜寻,追捕 Lions sometimes hunt alone. 狮子有时单独猎食。 She is still hunting for a new job. 她还在找新工作。 Despite a nationwide hunt for the kidnap gang, not a trace of them was found. 尽管已对这帮绑架团伙实行了全国范围的大搜捕,但丝毫没有发现他们的蛛丝马迹。 die相关的词组 die out die of die from die away die down be dying for sth/ to do sth 灭绝,消失 死于(内因) 死于(外因) 逐渐减弱,逐渐消失 逐渐平息,逐渐减弱 渴望,迫切想要 Old habits die hard. Never say die. 旧习难改。 永不言败。 aware adj. 知道,发觉,有……的意识 He was well aware of the problem. 他很清楚这个问题。 I was aware that she was trembling. 我察觉到她在发抖。 Young people are very environmentally aware. 年轻人的环保意识很强。 awareness n. 知道,意识 raise/heighten/increase public awareness of sth a greater/a growing/an increasing awareness of sth endanger v. 使遭受危险,危害 Development of the area would endanger wildlife. 开发这一地区将会危及野生生物。 endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的 The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction. 这个协会的成立是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。 progress n. & v. 进步,进展,进程,前进 The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer. 医学界继续在抗癌斗争中取得进步。 Please be quiet — examination in progress. 考试正在进行,请安静。 The course allows students to progress at their own speed. 本课程允许学生按各自的速度学习。 concern v. 让……担忧,涉及 n. 担心,忧虑,涉及的事,关心的事 He didn’t concern himself with the details. 他对细节不感兴趣。 There is growing concern about violence on television. 人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。 concerned adj. 担心的,关切的 concerning prep. 关于,涉及 be concerned about 为……担忧 be concerned with 关心,与……有关 adapt vi. 适应 vt. 使适应,使适合;改编 The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 这个世界将会不同,所以我们必须准备好适应变化。 It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings. 他过了好一阵子才适应了新环境。 Three of her novels have been adapted for television. 她的长篇小说中有三部已改编成电视节目。 adaptation n. 适应,改编本 adaptable adj. 用适应能力的,能适应的 measure n.措施,方法;判断,衡量 vt.测量,度量,估量 We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area. 我们必须采取预防措施来减少这个地区的犯罪。 Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension 这种测试是判断阅读理解力的好方法吗? It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage. 在现阶段还难以估量这场运动的成败。 It measures 20 yards from side to side. 从这边到那边的距离为20码。 reserve vt.预定,预留,保留 n. ... ...

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