
上外版(2020)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Delving into History单词检测(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:37次 大小:16015Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2020上外版高中英语选择性必修四Unit3单词检测(一) 根据前面的英语,写出汉语意思。(答案在后面) 1. infrastructural_____ 2. craft_____ 3. CE Common Era_____ 4. goods_____ 5. port_____ 6. prove_____ 7. canal_____ 8. flour_____ 9. coastal_____ 10. waterway_____ 11. the Silk Road_____ 12. commercial_____ 13. silkworm_____ 14. undergo_____ 15. the South China Sea_____ 16. pave_____ 17. channel_____ 18. superhighway_____ 19. invaluable_____ 20. the Grand Canal_____ 21. income_____ 22. stretch_____ 23. improvement_____ 24. expansion_____ 25. the Strait of Malacca_____ 26. bring about_____ 27. operate_____ 28. the Western Regions_____ 29. divert_____ 30. efficient_____ 31. elect_____ 32. ivory_____ 33. ambitious_____ 34. strait_____ 35. thrive_____ 36. Istanbul_____ modity_____ 38. two-way_____ 39. aim_____ 40. boom_____ 41. Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen_____ 42. walnut_____ 43. lacquerware_____ 44. kingdom_____ 45. web_____ 46. pave the way (for sb\sth)_____ 47. by sea_____ 48. Venice_____ 49. hydraulic_____ 50. carry out_____ 51. by land_____ 52. opt_____ 53. large-scale_____ 54. feed_____ 55. performance_____ 56. ferryboat_____ 57. jade_____ 58. iron_____ 59. devise_____ 60. foundation_____ 61. diplomatic_____ 62. wool_____ 63. transfer_____ 64. feature_____ 65. theatrical_____ 66. the South-to-North Water Diversion Project_____ 67. the Maritime Silk Road_____ 68. permit_____ 69. terracotta_____ 70. manmade_____ 71. Southeast Asia_____ 72. material_____ 73. barge_____ plex_____ 75. the Middle Kingdom_____ 76. extend_____ 77. porcelain_____ 78. appoint_____ 79. Marco Polo_____ 80. gain_____ 81. empire_____ 82. cotton_____ 83. route_____ 84. Italy_____ 85. the Indian Ocean_____ 86. legendary_____ 87. various_____ 88. maritime_____ 89. religious_____ 90. Turkey_____ 91. route_____ 92. arid_____ 93. base on_____ 94. economy_____ 95. cast_____ 96. peninsula_____ 97. link_____ 98. gateway_____ 99. pawnshop_____ 100. province_____ 101. restrict_____ 102. Urumqi_____ 103. lifeline_____ 104. chief_____ 105. the Yangtz River_____ 106. version_____ 107. destination_____ 108. agriculture_____ 109. spin_____ 答案部分: 1. adj. 基础设施的,基础建设的 2. n. 手艺;工艺 3. 公元(表示日期时用法同 AD) 4. n. 商品;货品 5. n. 港口;避风港;港口城市;口岸城市 6. linking verb 证明;证实 7. n. 运河;灌溉渠 8. n. (尤指小麦的)面粉;(谷物磨成的)粉 9. adj. 沿海的;靠近海岸的 10. n. 水路;航道 11. (中国古代的)丝绸之路(亦作 the S lk Route) 12. adj. 贸易的;商业的 13. n. 蚕 14. v. 经历,经受(变化、 不快的事等) 15. 南海 16. v. (用砖石)铺(地) 17. n. 水道;航道;电视台 18. n. 信息高速公路 19. adj. 极有用的;极宝贵的 20. 大运河 21. n. 收入;收益;所得 22. v. 延伸;绵延;拉长;拽宽;撑大;抻松 23. n. 改进处;改善的事物;改善;改进 24. n. 扩张;扩展;扩大;膨胀 25. 马六甲海峡 26. 导致;引起 27. v. 操作;控制;使运行;运转;工作 28. 西域(汉时指现在玉门关以西的新疆和中亚、西亚等地区) 29. v. 使转向;使绕道;转移 30. adj. 效率高的;有功效的 31. v. 选择,决定(做某事);选举;推选 32. n. 象牙 33. adj. 费力的;耗资的;耗时的;有野心的; ... ...

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