
【把关教师倾力整理】2014年高考英语二轮复习单项填空 拉分题(较难题目)特训:名词性从句

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:52次 大小:29333Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2014年高考英语二轮复习单项填空 拉分题(较难题目)特训:名词性从句 1. By improving reading skills, you can read faster and understand more of_____you once thought impossible to understand. A. that     B. what     C. which     D. whether 2. One way to know_____techniques to use is to study the techniques_____good readers use and then adopt them in your own reading. A. if; what     B. what; that     C. that; what     D. that; if 3. Danby left a message with the professor_____he would call again in the afternoon. A. who     B. which     C. as     D. that 4. A library is_____you can borrow books or magazines as well as read something. A. where     B. the place     C. in which     D. that 5. Can it be _____ in a fast-changing world we don’t know what to teach our children today? A. which     B. that    C. why    D. since 6. Teach children _____ electrical appliances, cords, and switches are not toys.   A. what     B. which     C. how     D. that 7. We can hardly believe his excuse for his late show _____ his car broke down halfway. A. why    B. that    C. where    D. as 8. As soon as the lorry exploded, the highway was covered with_____looked like oil. A. something     B. what     C. that     D. it 9. The fact puzzles Jack much_____he has been unable to pass the driving test up to now.  A. why     B. when     C. how     D. that 10. You should stick to _____you have begun until you succeed. A. which     B. that     C. whatever     D. no matter what 11. _____breaks the law should be punished, which should be always followed. A. Who     B. The one     C. Anyone     D. Whoever 12. Great changes have taken place in this village and it is no longer_____it was. A. what     B. that     C. when     D. where 13. Thinking_____you know_____in fact you don’t is a terrible mistake. A. that; what     B. that; that     C. what; that     D. what; what 14. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on_____it grows best in its climate and soil. A. when     B. what     C. how     D. where 15. He doesn’t want to let us down. He’s been prepared to do_____it takes to meet our requirements without any bargaining. A. whichever     B. however     C. whatever     D. whoever 16. _____in the regulations that player should wear approved sports wears with number, stockings and footwear. A. What is required     B. What required     C. It is required     D. It requires 17. It is never too early to start planning_____you’ll help your child pay for college. A. what     B. when     C. why     D. how 18. Despite the fact_____ children’s digital library has developed in our country presently, it still leaves much to be improved.  A. what     B. which     C. that     D. how 19. I turned the wheel to_____I thought was enough, only to find myself in a differ ... ...

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