
译林版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 1 Back to School Welcome to the unit & Reading (I) 课件(29张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:66次 大小:32827133Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Study without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without study ends in puzzlement. —Confucius 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 ———孔子 该句出自《论语》。《论语》是记录中国古代伟大思想家、教育家孔子及其弟子思想和言行的一部重要典籍。这句话论述了学与思的辩证关系,指出学与思要结合起来。 Unit 1 Back to school Welcome to the unit & Reading (Ⅰ) Where did you go, what did you do and who did you greet on the first day of senior high school Who Where What teachers, headmaster, classmates, roommates, ... classroom, lecture hall, registration office, dining hall, dormitory, ... said hello to new classmates, made a brief self-introduction, listened to a welcome speech, registered for new class, ... Lead in happy delighted joyful cheerful glad anxious nervous worried excited thrilled annoyed angry mad frightened afraid fearful scared How did you feel on your first day of senior high school What is your impression of senior high school life Welcome everyone to senior high school! Video Time Senior high school is a time of learning and discovery. Watch the video and finish the following exercises. Wendy: feels a bit nervous; plans to work harder in her studies and join the _____. Stephen: feels _____; plans to spend more time on _____. Art Club very excited English and Physics Rachel: (facing camera) Hello! I’m Rachel from School News, and I’m talking to students about their first day of senior high school. (talking to Wendy) So, Wendy, are you nervous Wendy: Yes, a bit. But I’m really looking forward to school this year. Rachel: And how will this year be different from last year Wendy: Well, I’ll have to work a bit harder in my studies. I think I’ll also have the chance to join more clubs and make some new friends. I love painting, so I want to go to the Art Club and meet other people with the same interest! Rachel: Great. Thanks, Wendy. (facing camera) Now, let’s hear from Stephen. (talking to Stephen) Welcome, Stephen. What do you think of our school so far Stephen: Well, Rachel, it’s very different from my junior high school. I’m very excited about my classes. Rachel: Which subjects are you most interested in Stephen: I like English and Physics. I think they’ll be much more difficult than they were at junior high school, so I’ll spend more time on these subjects! Rachel: Well, good luck, Stephen. (facing camera) Thanks to Wendy and Stephen. That’s all for now! We’ll be back next week with more news. Video script What opportunities and challenges will the two interviewees face Wendy thinks she will have the chance to join more clubs and make some new friends, but she will have to work a bit harder in her studies. Stephen is very excited about his classes and thinks English and Physics will be much more difficult than they were at junior high school. Sample Answer Discussion What do you think of your new school life so far It has been an enjoyable and exciting experience for me. T ... ...

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