
【新课标】Unit 5 Visiting the Moon 第4课时Speaking & Writing课件+音频

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:36次 大小:17883916Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 Visiting the Moon Period 4 Speaking & Writing 牛津深圳·广州版 七年级上 1. Knowledge objectives: ①Complete an article about a travel plan. ②Master the methods and rules in spelling and pronunciation. 2. Skill objectives: ① Recognize words containing vowel / / / / and consonants /l/, /r/, /h/ . ②Be able to write a schedule. 3. Emotional objectives: ① Plan the schedule of the first day tour of the space hotel. ②Cultivate the ability to arrange time reasonably. 4. Thinking quality objectives: Master the structure of the article, imitate the structure and create your own. Learning objects Tongue Twister Lead in Challenge yourselves Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran. 那个衣衫褴褛的流氓在崎岖的岩石上跑来跑去。 Talk time Read loudly. 认识单元音/ /。/ / 是字母 a , o或字母组合er, or, ure 等在单词中的读音。 朗读下列含有/ / 的单词,注意划线部分的读音。 Talk time about banana China complete today tomorrow rubber river teacher actor doctor monitor future picture pleasure 认识单元音/ /。/ / 是字母ir,uy, or, er, ear 等在单词中的读音。 朗读下列含有/ /的单词和例句,注意划线部分的读音。 Talk time first girl thirty hurt nurse purple word work worker certainly her nervous early earth learn 认识辅音/l/, /r/, /h/。朗读下列含有/l/, /r/, /h/的单词和例句,注意划线部分的读音。 Talk time /l/ /r/ /h/ lead read head light right height load road hold little row how Have a go A1 Listen carefully and circle the word you hear from each pair. 1. Allen’s younger brother is not afraid when his mum is away. 2. The early bird gets the worm. 3. The policeman on your left is listening to a tall lady with long hair. 4. Rose writes Rory a letter about her red radio. 5. Happy Helen has long hair and a hat. She has her hand on her head. A2 Read these sentences. Pay attention to the letters in bold. Have a go Speak up You are going to visit the Space Museum. In pairs, look at the poster and plan your trip. Speak up When are we going to meet We are going to meet at 9 a.m. How are we going to get there By bus. How long will it take to get there For 30 minutes. When are we going to come back At 3:30 p.m. Show Times Have a go Writing You are going to visit the Space Hotel. In pairs, look at the picture and the note to plan your trip. Pre-writing Pre-writing Pre-writing Activity: _____ Open time: all day Activity: watch a film about space Open time: _____ Activity:_____ Open time: 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Activities: watch space see the Earth Open time: _____ Activities: _____ play games Open time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Open time: _____ buy great things 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. eat a big meal all day do exercises 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pre-writing Pay attention to the opening times of different places. Design the best route for the trip. Plan the trip with your own experience. Writing A Complete the timetable. Time Where to go and what to do 8 a.m. Have breakfast in the Star Restaurant 9 a.m. Watch space and see the Earth i ... ...

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