
Module 3 My school Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground.教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:45次 大小:64512Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学基本信息 课题 Module 3 My schoolUnit 2 The library is on the left of the playground 课型 听说课 年级 七年级 教 学 目 标 掌握有关学校设施的重点单词:building,gate, library, office, playground, dining hall, gym, science lab,掌握方位介词及用法:in front of, next to, near, behind,between,middle等能在实际情境中运用句型并运用所学方位介词和基本句型来询问和描述位置关系 教学重、难点 重点:To get information from the reading material; 难点:To talk about the locations. 教 学 过 程 过程 教 学 活 动 设计意图 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greet the students as usual. 2. Greet the students and ask them to describe the things around them.3. Free talkWhat’s this building It’s a library.Where’s the library It’s in my school. 就周围的建筑物展开问答,引出重点词汇,导入新课。 Step2 Lead in Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 1.First, help the students learn the words and expressions in the box. Then, ask them to finish the following sentences. We have classes in the __classroom__. We borrow books from the __library__. We have meals in the __dining_hall__. We do exercise on the __playground__. We do experiments in the __science_lab__. Teachers work in the __teachers'_office__.After this, ask the students to label the pictures with the words and expressions from the box. 熟练运用表示有关学校设施的名词,为下面的环节奠定基础。 Step3Presentation Task1 Reading1.Ask the students to read the passage and look at the picture in Activity 3. 2.Then ask them to label the map of the school.1 Library 2 School offices 4 Dining hall 5 Sports hall 6 Science building 3.Ask the studetns to read the passage again and answer the questions in Activity 4. 4.Then check the answers with the whole class.Task2 Practice1.Ask the students to work in pairs and read the sentences in Activity 2, and then write the names of Betty's classmates on their desks.Check the answers. Then show the following and ask the students to read the sentences and pay attention to the words in bold.In the classroom, Daming's on my right. Gao Yan's in front of Daming and between Zhao Feng and Li Min. Lingling is behind Zhao Feng. 2.Ask some students to come to the front of the classroom and ask some others to talk about their positions by asking and answering questions. Use the following words, expressions and sentence as much as possible. behind, between, in front of, on the right/left of Where is…?Where are…?Task3 Language points1.behind prep. 在……后面2.between prep. 在……之间3.middle n. 中间;中央4.Between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty four classrooms.这栋楼和餐厅之间是一栋有二十四教室的教学楼。5.—Where's the playground?操场在哪儿?—It's in the middle of the school.它在学校中间。Task4 WritingAsk the students to practise writing sentences using in the middle of, on the left, behind, between…and…, in front of. 在阅读中培养学生的抓关键词的能力。通过学生二人问答,巩固对新句型的运用,提高学生的口语表达能力。通过不同的练习形式,巩固练习本 ... ...

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