
上外版(2020)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Volunteering Reading B Vocabulary 课件-(16张ppt)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:69次 大小:627049Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Vocabulary 2au2 reading b 1. Who took part in the volunteering trip Our group consisted of 15 students, most of whom were white, and a few teachers. was made up of 委员会由10人组成。 The committee consists of ten members. 2. Did they finish their mission It turned out that we, a group of highly educated high school students, couldn’t deliver on this mission. Deliver (intransitive; transitive): to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to 履行诺言;兑现承诺;不负众望 信守诺言 deliver on one’s promise 3. What were they bad at They were bad at the basic construction work. construction (n.) : the process of building or making sth, especially roads, buildings, bridges, etc. Sth is under construction construct (v.) Constructive (Adj.) 建设性的、有益的 Constructive suggestions 4. What did the local man to help them They secretly came back each night to undo our work and rebuild the structure. undo: 1) to cancel the effect of sth I undid the package and took out the book. undo: 2) 解开 Undo the damage; 5. What did the author feel after she knew the truth It would have been better for the orphanage to have taken our money to hire locals to do the work. 对过去的虚拟,从句用过去完成时had done,主句用would have done If the orphanage _____, it _____better. 请用主从句的形式转写这句话。 had taken our money to hire locals to do the work would have been In the months leading up to our trip to Tanzania, we collected hundreds of items to bring with us as gifts for the girls at the orphanage. immediately before 临近考试的前几周,我感到特别紧张。 I felt extremely nervous in the weeks leading up to the exam. lead up to = result in = cause They had a series of arguments, leading up to a decision to separate. 6. When did the author prepare gifts for the girls in Tanzania (1) (2) 7. When did the author realize she made a mistake in gift giving It wasn’t until we arrived at the orphans’ school and saw the beautiful girls in their crisp uniforms that we realized how off the track we had been. be off the track be on the track 8. Can school girls in Tanzania choose their hairstyle freely The girl’s hair is highly regulated by school officials. regulate sth: to control sth by means of rules Regulation(s) 9. What kind of hair style does the Tanzania schoolgirls keep A closely cropped head Crop (v.) to cut short Crop (n.) a plant, such as wheat, corn, and rice, etc If I, with all my resources, had taken just 20 minutes to research what Tanzanian schoolgirls wear, I would have been able to come up with a better idea. resource [countable, usually plural] 一种教学资源 a teaching resource human resources resourceful (adj.) 8. How did she feel for the failure This kind of volunteering trip I was on has been criticized quite a bit recently. criticize (Bre also criticize) be criticized by sb be criticized for sth 这个决定因威胁该地区的森林而收到了环保 ... ...

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