
Unit 6 Birdwatching Reading课件(共30张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:66次 大小:2679352Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 译林版·八年级上册 Unit 6 Birdwatching Deading 1.读懂文章,了解扎龙自然保护区的基本情况。 2.复习和拓展有关保护野生动物的词汇。 3.培养学生根据上下文猜测词义的能力。 4.引导、教育学生保护鸟类、保护自然。 学习目标 Kekexili 青藏可可西里 Wolong 四川卧龙 Tianmushan 浙江天目山 Dafeng 江苏大丰麋鹿 Zhalong Changbaishan 吉林长白山 people who fish there the fishermen people who visit there the tourists Zhalong Nature Reserve the Chinese government the wildlife the members of the Birdwatching Society 扎龙自然保护区位于黑龙江省西部,齐齐哈尔东南,嫩江的乌裕尔河下游。那里有一片广阔的沼泽湿地,苇草丛生,鱼类丰富,适于丹顶鹤和其他水禽栖息。1979年, 我国在此建立了面积达21万公顷的自然保护区。区内有鸟类248种,其中属国家重点保护的野生动物20多种,尤以鹤的种类繁多令人瞩目。扎龙在鹤类保护和研究方面取得的成果,得到国内外著名鸟类学家的高度评价。 Title From the title we guess the passage may tell us _____. ● why Zhalong is a special place ● what is special in Zhalong ● ... Zhalong—a special place In which paragraph may the writer give us the answer Para 1 Can you find some adjectives or adjective phrases to describe it world’s most important perfect place rare birds What may the writer tell us in next paragraph In this paragraph, the writer tells us why Zhalong is a special place. Para 2 In this paragraph, the writer tells us why Zhalong is a special place for birds. 1. What do “rare birds” refer to Zhalong is really _____ for the rare birds. There are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong. 2. Why does the writer call cranes “rare birds” What else can you get from the sentences above RARE ! important / special / ... Para 2 Numbers sometimes speak louder, and they work even better especially in pairs. Can you find some more examples relating to numbers in this paragraph Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay. Think further: When is a good time to watch cranes in Zhalong Every spring, cranes begin flying back to Zhalong for a stay. And they are active in the daytime, so you can easily watch them at that time there. Para 3 1. Can you use ONE word to fill the blank above dangers/problems 2. What do “all these things” mean in the last sentence of this paragraph Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong. Problem 1: Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Problem 2: Fishermen keep fishing there. As a result, the birds do not have enough food to eat. Which words describe the serious problem best Nowhere to live! Why does the writer use “keep fishing” instead of “fish” Which is better Nothing to eat! How do you feel when you hear about “all these things” And what you will do Para 4 In this paragraph, the writer tells us what the Birdwatching Society members do. Once a year, ... ...

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