
Module 2 Public holidays单词思维导图+词汇专项练习+单词默写

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:100次 大小:2383826Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 外研版九上M2 词汇专项练习 一、按方框中单词的正确形式填空 off since then lay found until we speak nine grow follow The government_____three schools in the city so far. I have three days_____ per month. The manager made two short_____before the meeting. Listen to the tape and answer the_____questions. Our business has really_____a lot during COVID. We look forward to doing it by_____. The hen_____eleven eggs last week. Don’t tell him the news_____after his birthday party. Sorry, I forget your birthday is on December_____. My daughter has made great progress_____. 二、按单词的正确形式填空 Confucius was a _____(先驱)in the field of education. My sister was standing_____(在...之中)a group of students, singing songs loudly. There are more than 1000 students in my school, and five_____(十二)of them are girls. There are thirty people waiting for the dentist in front of me. I’m the_____(二十). Please dry the_____(盘子)and put them away. My grandpa grew lots of _____(玉米)in his backyard. The games is not_____(结束)until the judge blows the whistle. They are on_____(假期)in Hainan right now. The_____(小孩)are having fun_____(摆放)the table. The coloured_____(旗子)flow in the wind. Tom decided to join a_____(乐队)and asked me to be with him. He dropped out of school the_____(接着的)year and we all felt sorry for him. The rabbit ran off_____(一...就...)it smelt the dogs. Mr Young planned_____(创办)a university in the countryside. She is used to dealing with all_____(种类)of people in her job. 参考答案: 一、1. has founded 2. off 3. speeches 4. following 5. grown 6. ourselves 7. laid 8. until 9. ninth 10. since then 二、1. pioneer 2. among 3. twelfths 4. twentieth 5. dishes 6. corn 7. over 8. vacation 9. kids; laying 10. flags 11. band 12. following 13. as soon as 14. to found 15. kinds 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) " 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)myself(我自己) found v . 创立、建立 yourself/yourselves(你/你们自己) h erself(她自己) since then 从那以后(是现在完成时的时间标志词) p ron. 我们自己 ourselves h imself(他自己) national flags(国旗) itself(它自己) flag n . 旗帜 raise the flag(升旗) t hemselves(他们自己) u ntil prep./adv. 【例】We’ll stay there until the end of n . (庆祝)游行 p arade 直 到...为止 the holiday.(我们会待到假期结束为止) n . 盘、碟 dish 【短】have/take/get one day off (放一天假) 【短】come over(顺便来访) adv. /prep. 不上课、不工 【 短】cut off(切断,阻隔) 【短】fall over(绊倒) a dj. 完了的、结束的 o ff 作 、休息、离开 【短】get off/on(下/上车) 【 短】go over(仔细检查,复习) prep. 在.....的上方、超过 over 【 短】give off散发,放出(气味,光,热等) 【 短】get over(克服,战胜) 【 短】put off(推迟) 【短】set off (for+地点)出发(去某地) 摆 放餐桌 lay the table 【 短】show off(炫耀) 【短】take off(脱掉,起飞) 【 短】lay down(放置) lay out v. (laid-laid)摆放(餐桌 ... ...

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