
Unit 1 When was heborn?Section A 4a-Section B 1a-1e 课件+音频(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:83次 大小:2372780Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 When was he born Section A 4a-Section B 1e 4a Write questions for these answers. Use the names in the box to help you. Kobe Messi Li Na Ye Shiwen _____ She was born in 1996 and is a very good swimmer. _____ He was born in 1978 and he can play basketball well. _____ He started playing football in a football club when he was seven. _____ She started her life as a tennis player when she was 17 years old. When was Ye Shiwen born When was Kobe born When did Messi start playing football When did Li Na start her life as a tennis player 4b Fill in the blanks using the information in the chart. You are never too young to start doing things. For example, Shirley Temple was a movie star _____. Mozart started writing music _____. And Mei lanfang first performed Beijing Opera _____. And Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his first national team _____. Names Achievements Ages Shirley Temple became a movie star 3 years old Mozart wrote music 4 years old Mei Lanfang performed Beijing Opera 10 years old Ronaldo played for a national team 17 years old when she was 3 years old when he was 4 years old at the age of 17 at the age of 10 born: 1881 started writing: 1906 great loving famous What do you think of him started playing in NBA: 1984 stopped: 1999 famous outstanding born: 1963 What do you think of him born: 1770 started writing music: 1779 talented unusual creative What do you think of him born: 1921 started acting: 1948 loving beautiful kind What do you think of her Write one or two words to describe the person. 1a Sarah Arthur is a loving grandfather. He spends all his free time with his grandson. 1b loving 1b Tony is an outstanding pianist. He is creative and loves music very much. He spends all his free time on it. outstanding creative 1b Sarah loving kind famous friendly creative hard-working shy talented Listen. Two people are talking about people they admire. Circle the words in the list in activity 1a that you hear. 1c Listen again. Are these sentences about Midori or Laura Write M or L on the lines. She is a famous violinist. She was born in Osaka in 1971. She started ice-skating when she was four. I saw her play when I was eight. She’s a kind and loving grandmother. She was born in Russia in1932. She won a skating competition when she was 10. 8. She traveled around the U.S. when she was 14. M M L M L L L M 1d 1e Practice the conversation. A: Who’s Midori B: She’s a famous violinist. A: When was she born B: She was born in 1971. A: What did she do when she was 14 B: She traveled around the US when she was 14. pairwork A: Who’s Laura B: She’s a ... A: When was she born B: She was born in ... A: … B: … Homework Describe Sarah and Vivian with words in 1a. Make up five conversations like 1e.

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