
冀教版七年级上册Unit 1 School and friends>Lesson 5 May I Have a Book?教案

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:73次 大小:30720Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 School and Friends Lesson 5: May I Have a Book 教案 一、教学目标 1. Language goals 1) may, excuse, OK, borrow, two, three, store, later. 2) Excuse me. May I have … Here you are. You’re welcome. See you later. 2. Ability goals 1) Enable the students to give thanks. 2) Use some sentences to ask for help and offer help. 3. Moral goals To encourage the Ss to ask for help bravely and act politely. 二、教学重点 1. Excuse me. May I have … Here you are. You’re welcome. See you later. 2. Enable the students to give thanks, ask for help and offer help. 三、教学难点 Excuse me. May I have … 四、教学方法 Communicative teaching method; practice 五、教具 A recorder Pictures 六、预习准备 1. Learn the new words of the lesson before class. 2. Know the meaning of the text and get the language points. 七、教学过程 Step 1 Review and Lead in 1. Greet the Students and review the last lesson. Ask some pairs to play a guessing game. 2. Have a dictation for the words and phrases of lesson 4. 3. Check their preview homework. Step 2 Presentation Teach “Excuse me. May I have… ” working from old phrases to new ones and adding the replies “Sure! Here you are.” And “You’re welcome”. Use actions to make your meaning clear. Translate when necessary. Step 3 Practice Encourage the Students to practice “Excuse me. May I have … OK, here you are. You’re welcome. See you later.” Then ask some pairs to act it out, using real things or pictures. Step 4 Listen and practice 1. Play the tape for the Students to follow. 2. Practice in pairs. Encourage the Students to ask for real things like books, pens, marker, erasers etc. 3. Ask some pairs to act it out. Step 5 Let’s do it! 1. Listen and circle. Exercise One 2. Look and fill in the blanks. Exercise Two. 3. The chain game. Exercise Three 4. Listen and do the actions. Exercise Four Step 6 A quiz Make a dialogue followed the text, write and hand it in. Step 7 Summary Review the new words and the drill. Sum up them briefly.

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