
人教版七年级下册 Unit 10 I'd like some noodles. Section A 2d-3c 导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:37次 大小:49152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题:Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. 第二课时(Section A 2d—3c)教学设计 教学目标 1.教会学生能读本课中表达食物的词汇,并会辨别可数名词和不可数名词。2.让学生运用what ...would you like Are there any... 等就餐用语进行简单的对话。3.让学生体会学习英语的乐趣,做到“在用中学”“在学中用”,养成一个良好的饮食习惯。4.学生能熟练运用合作方法学习,如坐庄法、专家指导法和组合阅读法。 重点难点 会使用就餐用语进行情景对话,了解西方饮食文化。重点句型Would you like… What kind of… What size… 的正确使用及其答语。 合作学习策略 坐庄法专家指导法复述通行证 教学准备 学生准备:课本,导学案,双色笔。2.教师准备:PPT课件 任务单 准备教学所需辅助。 导 学 流 程P32-33 (Section A 2d—3c) 教学行为提示及笔记 一、目标导学 (Who is the quickest / Happy dragon )Free conversation: 1.What do you like for lunch /What’s your favorite food/drink 2. Would you like some noodles 二、自学自研Self-studyI can read.(我会读)拼读下列单词短语,并在书本中标示出来。noodles, beef,mutton, cabbage, potato, would like, large, take one’s order, size, bowl用心朗读下列句子,试着翻译这些句子。May I take your order _____ What kind of noodles would you like _____ What size would you like _____ Would you like a large bowl _____在牛肉汤里有一些蔬菜吗? _____一大碗牛肉汤。 _____Read 2d and make new conversations. 3. I can summarize(我会总结)would like 句型 ①would like 意为“想要某物”,常用句式结构: 你想要点什么?What _____ you _____ 我想要一杯茶。____ _____ a cup of tea. 你想要什么面条? What _____ of noodles _____ you like 你想要多大号的毛衣? What ____ of sweater _____ you like (以上句型为有礼貌、委婉地表达征求对方的意见) ②Would you like … 你想要……吗?该句型常用来向对方提出邀请或征求对方的意见,其答语为:Yes, please. /OK. /No, thanks. 你想要一些牛奶吗? _____ you _____ some milk 是的,谢谢。/ 不,谢谢。Yes, _____. / No, _____.三、交流展示Discussion and showTask 1:Let’s read the words and phrases . ①Read and play games. ②Have a check.Task 2:Let’s listen and role-play 2d.①Listen to 2d and fill in the chart. Order Food One ①_____ bowl of ②_____ soup One gongbao ③_____ One mapo tofu with ④_____②Listen ,read and role-play 2d.Task 3: Let’s make a new conversation.① Make a new conversatione.g: A:May I take your order B:Yes, please. A:What would you like B:I would like….A:What size would you like B:I’d like….A:Wait a minute, please. B:OK. ②Listen and answer the questions.③Complete the conversation.巩固提升一、基础题(你一定能过关!所有学生完成)完成句子1.Sally想要哪种面条?_____ _____ ____ noodles would Sally like 2.你想要一些绿茶吗?_____ you_____ _____ green tea 3.Tom想要一小碗饺子。 Tom would like a ____ _____of dumplings.4.你想要多大碗的?_____ _____ would you like 5.在桌子上有三大碗面条。 There _____ three large_____ of noodles on the table.提高题(坚信你最棒!!! A、B层学生完成)补全对话W: 6_____ Tom: Yes. I’d like some noodles, please. W: 7_____ would you like Tom: I’d like mutton noodles with carrots.W:8_____ do you want Tom: I want a medium bowl.W: Would you like some d ... ...

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