
Unit 2 School life Reading 课件+音频

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:34次 大小:5713624Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 译林版·八年级上册 Unit 2 Shool life Reading 学习目标 1.记住并会正确运用下列词汇:same, by, go shopping,French, foreign, language, during, discuss, offer, end, baseball, win, in class。 2.能理解课文中作者所表达的个人感受和观点。 3. 了解英美国家的中学生的校园生活。激发学生对校园生活的热爱之情。 4.通过学习,理解学校生活中蕴含的一些教育意义。 Free talk Do you like your school life Why or why not Talk about your school life. 英国的中等教育常在11-16岁, 并按照year划分(Years 7-12)。学生16岁时要参加普通教育证书(GCSE)的考试。通过后才能在学校或私立中学接受两年的中等教育,之后要参加A级考试。 美国的中等教育通常分为初中(6th-8th grades)和高中(9th-12th grades)。9th grade 相当于中国的九年级。 What do you think British and American school would be like life in a British school life in an American school Lead-in 1. What is Nancy’s favorite subject French. 2. Does she have a reading week every year Yes, he does. 3. Whose school life is the second passage about John’s 4. Who else are mentioned(提到)in the passage And who are they Tony. Skimming Life in a British school In a mixed school, boys and girls have lessons together. Nancy’s favorite subject is English. Students at Nancy’s school can read magazines during the reading week. Students mustn’t talk in class during the reading week. French can talk to friends near the end of the class Scanning Life in an American school 1. John goes to the Buddy Club every Monday. 2. John plays softball twice a week. 3. Tony often helps me with my problems and offers me help. 4. John and her friends often go to shopping malls together on Friday afternoon. Scanning do sports Scanning the Reading Week When: What: every year borrow more books from the school library bring in books and magazines from home discuss the books with the classmates in class Scanning the Buddy Club What to do in the club Who is John’s buddy How to help Old students help new students learn more about the school. Tony Listen to the problems and offer help Find the key words. Who Nancy Jone What activities Where When Why 1. Learning French 2. Reading week 1. Baseball 2. Buddy club Woodland school, London Rocky Mountain High School, Denver Every year Twice a week,Every Monday 1. Learning foreign languages is fun. 2. Can read anything he likes 1. Loves the game 2. Listens to his problems and offers him help While-reading 1. foreign ___ a talk about something 2. language ___ b give something to someone 3. discuss ___ c be best or first in a competition 4. offer ___ d not in or from your own country 5. win ___ e words used in speaking and writing Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks. a b c d e Daniel found some pictures of Nancy’s and John’s schools. First, help him complete the description of each picture. 1. In a _____ school, boys and girls study _____. 2. In the _____, older students help new students ... ...

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