
人教版七年级下册 Unit 9 What does he look like? Section B 2b-2c 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:66次 大小:72704Byte 来源:二一课件通
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科目 英语 课题 Unit 9What does he look like Section B 2b-2c 教学目标 Knowledge objectsTo review to use phrases and structures to describe people’s appearancesAbility aims: To improve Student’s ability of readingEmotional aims: Learn the difficulties An interesting job ”police artist”To cultivate Student’s awareness of job 教学重难点 教学重点 Learn to find the answer quickly in articles.Review the structures and phrases to describe people’s appearances 教学难点 1. Understand the new job2. What does the pronoun represent in the article 教学策略选择与设计(教法和学法指导) Discussing method ,listening method, Actions method., Context method 课时教学流程图 板 书 设 计 Unit 9What does he look like sectionB(2b-2c) Paragraph1 Paragraph2 He=Joe BrownIt=the picture of the criminalHim=the criminalThis=drawing a good pictureThey=many people He=criminal 教 学 过 程(1、注重教学活动设计;2、知识线索、脉络清晰;3教法/学法渗透到各个知识点的教学活动中) 教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计意图 Step 1: Revision (3min) T: Let’s students describe him and his friend to the student. S1: I am tall and thin.I have straight black hair. And I have big eyes and small nose.My friend:He is of medium heightHe has a short hair. He has a big eyes and a small nose. 复习与本节课学习内容相关的旧知识,为学习新内容做准备 Step 2: presentation (6min) Present new words to the student.Words: artist crime criminalT: There are six kinds of occupations which we are familiar with .However, I’ll introduce another occupation to you. Police artistMaybe some people think the police is good at drawing.Look at this picture.T: What does the police do What does an artist do What does the police artist do Great! Please turn to page books at 53. Fast reading paragraph one and find the answer I will teach student to understand the meaning of words_Police artist_Find the criminalDraw picturesDraw a picture of the criminal 解决生词,减少阅读难度。利用循序接近的方法,介绍学生熟悉的警察和画家,最后引出police artist。让学生们带着好奇心从文章中寻找答案。 Step 3: While—Reading(15min) Paragraph1 T: Have you finished What does a police artist do Where is the answer in paragraph1Let’s read together.T: How can Joe help to find out the criminal S: The last sentences in paragraph 1.See the criminals——— Talk to Joe/tell—draw a picture— put it in newspapers and on television 通过提问答案在文章中的所在处,确保大部分学生能找到答案。提问简单的问题,可以培养学生的积极性 Step 4: Paragraph 2 T:: Let’s come to Joe’s job. Do you think his job is easy or difficult T: we are play game together.Suppose I am Joe. I’ll show you a picture with a criminal. You try to remember it and then tell me what the criminal looks likethen I draw a picture on the blackboard.Ready go!Can you tell me what the criminal looks like.T :Now ,do you think Joe’s job is easy or difficult.?why T: DO you notice there are two women who describe the criminal in this paragraph Which is the real criminal Ok, please find the words t ... ...

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