
Unit 4 I like music that I can dance to. Section B(1a-2e)学案 (含答案)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:42次 大小:34816Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课题:Unit 4 I like music that I can dance to.第3课时 学习目标: 1、重点单词 sense(v.)感觉到;意识到(n.)感觉;意识;pain(n.)痛苦,疼痛;苦恼;reflect(v.)反映;映出;perform(v.)表演;执行;pity(v.)同情;怜悯(n.)怜悯;遗憾;total(adj.)总的;全体的(n.)总数;合计;master(v.)掌握(n.)主人;能手;praise(v.&n.)表扬;赞扬;wound(n.)伤;伤口;创伤(v.)使(身体)受伤;伤害 2、重点词组 Chinese folk music中国民俗音乐;a piece of music一首乐曲;sense a strong sadness and pain感觉到一种强烈的悲伤与痛苦;look up查阅;his musical ability他的音乐天赋;develop a serious illness患上一种严重的疾病;get married结婚;during his lifetime在他生前;in total总计;China’s national treasures中国的民族瑰宝 3、重点句式 (1)He likes clothes that are unusual.他喜欢不寻常的衣服。 (2)—I like movies that are sad. I love Titanic.我喜欢悲伤的电影。我喜欢《泰坦尼克号》。 —Oh, I don’t. I like movies that are scary.哦,我不喜欢悲伤的电影,我喜欢恐怖电影。 (3)The piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me.那首由二胡演奏的乐曲深深地打动了我。 (4)It was one of the most moving pieces of music that I’ve ever heard.它是我曾经听到过的最动人的乐曲之一。 (5)The music was written by Abing,a folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893.这首乐曲是由一个1893年出生在无锡的叫阿丙的民间音乐家所写的。 (6)It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear.可惜的是总共只有六首乐曲被记录下来供后人欣赏。 重点难点: 重点:阅读短文中连接词的使用。 难点: 通过交流表达和听力训练,引入表达自己观点或好恶的方式。 导学设计: 1. unusual adj. 不同寻常的 He likes clothes that are unusual. 他喜欢奇特的衣服。 He is unhappy today because he lost his favorite book. 今天他不高兴, 因为他丢了他最喜爱的书。 【归纳】 (1)unusual为形容词,意为“不同寻常的;独特的”。其反义词为: 。 (2)unusual是由un?(否定前缀)+usual(平常的)构成。un?为否定前缀,意为“不;非”。如: 不健康的;unhappy不幸福的;unimportant 。 【现学现练】 (1)She was very _____(happy)to fail the final exam. (2)My neighbor Helen never talks to me. She is so _____(friendly). (3)The noise made the people in the neighborhood _____(easy). 2. perform v. 表演;执行 He performed in this way for many years. 他以这种方式演出了多年。 His funny performance made us laugh. 他的滑稽的表演让我们开怀大笑。 All the performers are children from all over the world. 所有的表演者都是来自世界各地的孩子。 【归纳】 动 词 表 演 执 行 名 词 表演, 表现 名 词 表演者 【现学现练】 (1)In the last few years, Shen Teng   in CCTV for many times and is popular all over the country. A. has played the piano B. has given out their song disks C. has written songs D. has performed (2) All the _____ (perform)performed well in this evening party. 3. sense v. 感觉到,意识到 But under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain. 但是在优美的背后我感受到了强烈的悲伤和痛苦。 When you touch ice, you have a sense of coldness. 当你触摸到冰块时,你有一种寒冷的感觉。 He is a man who has a sense of justice. 他是一个具有正义感的 ... ...

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