

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:49次 大小:44353Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    高二选必1 Unit 1—选必2 Units 2期末练习题(四)答案 I. Vocabulary(每题2分,共计20分) GFAJH CKIDE II. Reading Comprehension BABCD CBCAC DBDAC Section B(每题5分,共计35分) A:BCDA B:DBC III. Translation(每题5分,共计15分) 1. It's a real trial for Mary who is timid to make a speech in front of so many foreigners. 2. To his delight, these masterpieces succeeded in inspiring children's patriotic feelings. 3. Children acquire a strong taste in/of poetry, and some of them can learn it by heart after hearing it once.高二上外版选必1 Unit 1—选必2 Units 2期末练习题(四) 考试时间40分钟 满分100 分 I. Vocabulary(每题2分,共计20分) occurred B. extended C. tragedy D. fined E. ignore F. concerns G. suspension H. inevitably I. illegal J. must-have K.limiting The launch of Apple's iPhone 14s tempted(诱惑) thousands of buyers to its two outlets in Beijing on the cold winter night of Jan 12th. But the size of the crowds brought a sudden __1__ of sales of the iPhone 14s on the morning of Jan 13th and one store in Beijing didn't open at all, because the growing crowd of eager Apple followers created safety__2__. This is not the first time Apple's marketing strategy(策略) has caused such trouble among the buying public, for similar trouble __3__ in January last year when the first release launch of the iPhone 14 was made. Apple's clever marketing has made the company's products __4__lifestyle accessories(附件) for many, but this strategy will __5__ result in mass rushes and disturbances and if it continues with this marketing strategy, it is only a matter of time before one of its product launches ends in __6__. Intentionally fuelling demand by __7__ a product release to create a state of panic among consumers, who fear they may not get their hands on their objects of desire, is not only immoral but also__8__. Apple should take the lessons from the experience of Unilever(联合利华). The giant consumer goods company was __9__ 2 million yuan in May 2011 by the Chinese government for repeatedly spreading rumors(谣言) of price rises. Apple has the ability to make it easier for consumers to order new products online or by telephone. Apple cannot afford to__10__the Chinese market, so it has no excuse for not changing its strategy so as to avoid such incidents in the future. II. Reading Comprehension Section A(每题2分,共计30分) Today, there are many avenues (大街;途径) open to those who wish to continue their education. However, nearly all require some __11__ in one’s career in order to attend school full time. Part-time education, that is, attending school at night or for one weekend a month, tends to drag the __12__ out over time and puts the completion of a degree program out of reach of many people. __13__, such programs require a fixed time commitment which can also impact __14__ on one’s career and family time. Of the many __15__ to teaching and learning, however, perhaps the most flexible and accommodating is that called distance learning. Distance lea ... ...

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