
Unit 6 Jobs Lesson 1 课件(共11张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:20次 大小:15613708Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Starting line Unit 6 Jobs Lesson1(2) New word—a nurse What is Yaoyao’s job She is a nurse. Where does she work She works at a hospital. New word—a nurse What are their jobs They are nurses. What do you think of their job New word—a bus driver What does she do She is a bus driver. What does she wear when she works She wears gloves and uniform. What is his job He is a school bus driver. New word—a bus driver What is his job He is a bus driver. Where does he work He works in a bus. What are their jobs They are bus drivers. What do they hold when they work They hold the steering wheel. New word—a police officer What is her job She is a police officer. What does she wear when she works She wears police uniform. What does she do She helps people in trouble. Where does she work She works at a police station. She can drive the police car when she works. New word—a police officer What are their jobs They are police officers. What do they wear when they work They wear their police uniforms. factory New word—a worker What is his job He is a worker. What does he wear when he works He wears a safety hat, gloves and uniform. Where does he work He works at a factory. New word—a worker What is his job He is a worker. What does he do He measures with his tools. What are their jobs They are workers. What do they do They talk about how tools work. New word—a taxi driver What is Mike’s job He is a taxi driver. What does he wear when he works He wears uniform. What does he do He takes people to their new places or their home. He drives the taxi to take people to their destination. New word—a taxi driver What does he do He is a taxi driver. What do you think of his job

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