
Unit 1 My classroom Part B Talk & Main scene课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:90次 大小:29744957Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit One My classroom B Talk & Main scene (Clean our classroom) Let’s review We have a new classroom. What’s in the classroom One blackboard, one TV,____picture,_____door, three_____and_____, many desks and chairs. one one lights windows Let’s do Tips:一起边唱边做动作吧。 Door, door, open the door. Light, light,turn on the light. Window,window,close the window. Picture,picture,put up the picture. Blackboard, blackboard, clean the blackboard. Blackboard, blackboard, clean the blackboard. Window, window, clean the window. Classroom, classroom clean the classroom. Clean our classroom Look and say Who are they Zhang Peng Wu Binbin Mike Jone What are they talking about (他们正在讨论什么呢?) Listen and fill Let’s clean the_____! classroom _____. OK Tips:听音,填上正确的单词。 Let’s = Let us(让我们) Great Good idea What can they do 1. Wu Binbin can_____. A. clean the teacher’s desk B. clean the blackboard 2. John can_____. A. clean the door B. clean the windows 3. Mike can_____. A. clean the blackboard B. carry the water(抬水) Watch and choose Tips:认真观看视频,找出答案。 What can they do 1. Wu Binbin can_____. A. clean the teacher’s desk B. clean the blackboard 2. John can_____. A. clean the door B. clean the windows 3. Zhang peng and Mike can_____. A. clean the blackboard B. carry the water Let me clean the teacher’s desk clean the windows carry the water help you 让我 Let’s clean the desks and chairs. Excuse me. Oh, sorry. Amy and Chen Jie are cleaning the classroom, too. (Amy和Chen Jie也在打扫教室。) What can they do 4. Amy can_____. A. clean the blackboard B. carry the water 5. Chen Jie can_____. A. clean the desks and chairs B. carry the water Tips:阅读课文2、3页,找出答案。 Let me clean the teacher’s desk clean the windows carry the water help you clean the desks and chairs carry the water Let’s +动词原形. Let’s clean the classroom! Who else can you see (你还看到了谁?) Watch and say Where’s my schoolbag It’s near the computer. Hey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom. Listen and follow Let’s clean the classroom! OK. Let me clean the windows. Let me clean the teacher’s desk. Let me help you. Thank you. Tips:听音、跟读, 注意语音、语调。 Let’s clean the desks and chairs. Excuse me. Oh, sorry. Role-play Tips:选择一个,或者两个对话, 跟小伙伴一起角色扮演吧。 语音语调准确: 配上动作: 增加语言: Think and say What do you think of them (你觉得他们怎么样?) They are helpful(帮助的). It’s for you, Miss White. Happy Teachers’ Day. Boys and girls. The classroom is clean and beautiful.Thank you. Teachers’ Day is coming. Let’s clean our classroom. Let’s make our classroom clean and beautiful. It’s also a gift for teachers. (教师节要到了,让我们一起打扫教室,让我们把教室打扫地又干净又整洁吧, 这也是送给老师的一个礼物。) Work in groups Tips:小组合作,说一说你可以打扫哪些地方吧。 Let’s clean the classroom. Let me clean... Let me clean... OK. Words(词汇): blackbo ... ...

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