
Unit 1 My classroom Part C Spell&Story课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:93次 大小:42085049Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit One My classroom Spell & Story time (Funny things in our classroom) Let’s Sing Look and say Who can you see Zip Zoom Miss Goat(山羊小姐) (boat) bee (three) Oh! There’s a bee in our classroom. There is:有 Read and fill Where is it Look! It’s on the light. Where is it now It’s on the fan. Look! It’s on the wall now. Yes. Tips:阅读故事图2-4,完成填空。 Where is the bee? on the_____. on the_____. on the_____. light fan wall now now 现在 Read and choose What’s this It’s a bee. No, it’s a blackboard. Ah, yes. It really IS a bee! Tips:阅读故事图5-6, 选出正确的答案。 There’s a bee on the blackboard. Where is the bee now? A. It’s on the wall. B. It’s on the blackboard. How does Miss Goat feel?(山羊女士感觉怎么样?) A. Happy(开心) B. Surprised(惊讶) How do the children feel?(孩子们感觉怎么样?) A. Happy(开心) B. Surprised(惊讶) Listen and follow Tips:听音、跟读。 Let’s retell There is a bee... It’s on the... light fan wall blackboard 让我们一起来复述板书内容吧。 Can you give a name to the story (你能给故事取个名字吗?) There is a bee in the calssroom. Our “new friend” A bee Look and say The bee flies away. It’s time for class. What’s this It’s a_____. cake What’s this It’s a_____. face Let’s chant My name is Jake. My name is Jake. I like my name. And I can make a cake. Hello, Jake, Hello, Jake, My name is (Dave) And I like to eat a cake. make cake name a-e/e / Chant in groups Tips:先跟视频唱,然后小组合作一起唱。 Let’s group face cat map lake have date hat bag bake cake late fat a-e a face cat map lake have date hat bag bake cake late fat Tips:读一读,分一分,让小蜜蜂回到自己的家吧。 Read, listen and tick(√) Tips:听音,选出你听到正确的单词。 Listen, circle and write Tips:听音,圈出正确的选项,然后根据发音规则写出单词。 Enjoy a story Think and say Which story do you like best (你最喜欢哪个故事?) Sum-up Words(单词):a-e/e /( cake, face, name, make); bee Sentences(句子): -There is a bee in our classroom. -My name is Jake. -I like my name. -I can make a cake. Homework 必做:1.跟读课本P6, 10页的内容; 2.完成含有a-e发音单词的思维导图(作业单一) 选做:1.完成作业单二。 Spell & Story time (Funny things in our classroom) Unit One My classroom a-e/e / make face name cake

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