
Unit6 Jobs Lesson1 课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:16次 大小:25898797Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Starting line Unit 6 Jobs Lesson1(2) New word—a farmer What is Andy’s job He is a farner. Where does he work He works on the farm. What do they do They grow grains, fruit and vegetables. They raise farm animals. They can give food to people. New word—a farmer What is her job She is a farmer. What does she do She grows vegetables for people. What does he do He grows plants. New word—a farmer What are their jobs They are farmers. What do they do They grow grain and vegetables for people. What do you think of their jobs New word—a cook What is Bill’s job He is a cook. Where does he work He works in a kitchen. What does he do every day He cooks delicious food and different dishes for people. New word—a cook What is his job He is a cook. What is her job She is a cook. New word—a cook What are their jobs They are cooks. What do they do They learn to cook different cuisines for people from different parts of the world. Talk about their jobs. Yaoyao is a nurse. ...(name) is a/an...(job). Talk about their jobs. Do you know their jobs from their look _____ is a/an _____. Let’s play. Who can you see What are they doing What are they talking about 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Is he a cook Yes, he is. It is picture 2 Ask and answer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Is he/she a /an ... Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt. It is picture ... Ask and answer. Practice. Is she a nurse Yes, she is. Practice. Is he/she a police officer Yes, he/she is. Practice. Is he/she a worker Yes, he/she is. Practice. Is he/she a bus driver Yes, he/she is. Practice. Is he/she a cook Yes, he/she is. Read and circle their jobs. The helpers in our community Read and circle their jobs. The helpers in our community Read and circle their jobs. The helpers in our community Read and circle their jobs. The helpers in our community Read and think. What do you think of their jobs Do you think they are very important Why Fill in blanks and make a dialogue in pairs.

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