
中考二轮专题 完形填空解题技巧课件

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:343076Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件27张PPT。专题完形填空 七大实用解题技巧(一) 2考生如何应对完形填空?属于中等和较难题,稳定情绪,尽力而为。 注重首,尾句。 克服畏难,急躁情绪,耐心通读全文。 切勿看到一个空格就急着选出一个答案,必须纵观全文考虑。 动笔时先易后难,注意从文中同样结构或是类似的结构和利用语境,并做大胆的推测。分析,生活常识,逻辑推理,固定搭配和语法知识。技巧一:首句信息 完形填空通常首句不设空,目的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。英语中首句通常是文章的主题句,把握了主旨句对于理解全文和解题很有帮助。例: (2012·河南卷) A young man was interested in jade (玉)stones. So he went to Mr Smith, a gemologist (玉石家),to learn from him. Mr Smith refused because he feared that the young man would not have the 36 to learn. The young man asked for a chance again and again. 37 Mr Smith agreed and told him, " Be here tomorrow." 36. A. chance B. ability C. patient D. time 37. A. Slowly B. Silently C. Quickly D. Finally 例: (2012·武汉卷) One afternoon, I went to pick up my mother from work. I got there a little early, so I 41 my car by a small park, and 42 for her. 41. A. left B. stopped C. repaired D. drove 42. A. waited B. cared C. prepared D. looked技巧二:暗示信息 完形填空主要考查学生对语境的理解。所以学生在做题时要有全局观念,进行连贯性思维,做题时要把每个空白处的含义与前后句的意思联系起来理解,进行合乎逻辑的推理判断。难选之处通常前后多有暗示。这种暗示多为后面暗示前面。 一般来说,完形填空的4个选项形式完全相同,如都是动词原形、副词、名词复数形式等。所以要注意他们之间在意义上和搭配上的细微差异,形义兼顾。同时,一定要把这些选项放到特定的语境里进行区分、判别,从而选出正确答案。例: (2012·河南卷) The next morning the young man came. Mr Smith put a jade stone in the young man's hand and told him to 38 it. He then went about his work. The young man sat quietly and waited. The following morning, Mr Smith again 39 a jade stone in the young man's hand and told him to hold it. 38. A. cut B. hold C. touch D. watch 39. A. placed B. took C. gave D. sent技巧三:逻辑关系 语篇一般指比句子长的语言单位,如句群、段落、篇章等。语篇与语篇之间往往有表明其内在联系的词语,这些词语被称为“语篇标志”。如表示结构层次的语篇标志语有:firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等;表示逻辑关系的语篇标志语有thus, therefore, so等;表示改变话题的语篇标志语有by the way等;表示递进关系的语篇标志语有besides, what's more, further等;表示时间关系的语篇标志语有before, so far, yet, meanwhile, later等;表示转折关系的有but, while, on the other hand, although等。在做完形填空时,如果能充分利用这些语篇标志语,就可以迅速理清文章的脉络,弄清上下文的关系。例: (2012·河北卷) These experiences taugh me a lot. Though I might have been lucky 54 , I also need to put in hard work. As we know, pracitce makes perfect, so I believe success builds on less luck and chance. 54. A. at last B. at most C. at first D. at least 技巧四:原词复现 完形填空试题中,某一词语常常重复出现在语篇之中。词汇复现的语用意义是使得语篇中的句子相互衔接和连贯,从而构成一个完整和有机的意义整体。在阅读文章过程中,有时也会发现一些与选项意义 ... ...

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